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15th April 2014 17:56:57 K-Zodron View post »
19th April 2014 14:36:00 K-Zodron View post »

19th April 2014 14:36:00

Yes it would be definitely nice to push out updates more rapidly, and the latest patches were released in pretty quick succession if I don't remember wrong. However, since we're now working on a pretty major content update for our small team it's simply much more efficient to bulk it up. Otherwise we would have to maintain multiple versions of the game code and content, which is kind of a burden. We're obviously pushing to get the update out as soon as possible, though!

Level 252
20th April 2014 12:49:37

Quoting K-Zodron:
Thanks everyone for the positive feedback and comments!

Quoting The Warlockk:
I think that the numbers displayed above the spells that shows cooldowns should be smaller, they are way too big, you can barely see the spell with them. Also, they are at the middle part of the spells, I think they should be moved a little bit to the bottom, like this, for example

I tested the cooldown timers some more while taking into account your concerns, but I don't think the timer really feels like it's blocking anything even while it's in the middle. We'll of course have a test server before the update, and we can take another look at this if it seems like it's actually a problem ingame.

Quoting El Viperz:
Very nice stuff to look forward to, I was wondering is this "Next Update" weeks or months away, as you said if the gold raise was coming it would be with the update?

I think a month or two is realistic, but I can't say for sure, it mostly depends on how fast we can finish the new hunting spawns and the new quests around the new capital city. I don't want to rush a gold drop change yet either, since the server is still rather new and the economy is still changing quickly.

About the gold drop, why not have a week of 20-40% increased gold drop rate and make a conclusion from the effect it has on the market, I think that would be a more viable and factual plan. (I know you try to get things done as quick as possible, but everything seems light years away)
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