
Level 69
30th May 2018 13:38:30 (Last edited 30th May 2018 13:42:30)

I would like you to review the Zezenia loot because there are already days when you get 3 to 5 hours in a huting and do not drop an item.
many bixos that drop, good loots have been lowered, the drop because many players, are complaining that it was abusive, many players are going, to be affected with it today, I see hours and hours of huting, to maybe drop an item, worth 100k when I drop something, still because, I live even Donations, of p cards because the loots do not fall, often enough nor pay suplays, worsen the cards that are with absurd prices, so I prefer to donate in reality.
dracolich, Xyioquan Dragon, yeti, cursed eye, mammoth, loney eye, even soul devour, even the famous giant beetle, and we can not forget, the vampire lords, and werebers, that many new players when this starts, and begins to hunt vampire the warrior and creak as much of the vampire lords and wereabear, exp to many others a range, of monsters that has been reformulated, and really very bad I ask, that this be reformulated, because many players, start to play there many, are not able to pay cards, in real life because it depends, on the parents or mothers, to pay something and many, are children under 18 years, depends on the game of loots, to support themselves financially in the game.
and are often killed, by other players in huts dropping, their suitcases with the loots, that were caught in the, huts when something falls.
I ask that this, be taken into account, in order to obtain a new growth in the game.

You're welcome, thank you. I'm WILLLLL

Level 260
30th May 2018 14:11:19

In english next time please ! >:(

Level 69
30th May 2018 16:29:16

Troyano cara se vc e tao foda porque invés de vc criticar vc não tenta ser uma pessoa melhor? kkkkkkkkkkk
vc e um coitado hunted que malema online fica porque e charlover :D
pior de tudo que vc e hunted em todos os world que joga :D sera que vc e bom player? kkk
ninguém aqui curte vc :D
e nem o teu time curte vc kkkkkkkkkkkkkk
coitado coitado coitado ^^

Troyano face if you and fuck because instead of you criticize you do not try to be a better person? kkkkkkkkkkk
you and a poor hunted that malema online stays because and charlover: D
worst of everything that you and hunted in every world that plays: D you are a good player? lol
nobody here likes you: D
and neither does your team enjoy you kkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Explorer I

Level 20
31st May 2018 18:06:52

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