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6th March 2019 22:05:05 GM Quillon View post »

Level 901
6th March 2019 21:54:36 (Last edited 6th March 2019 21:56:50)

Hello , my name is Caste and I have a few questions about your AUTO-BAN Bot system
1) do you have a log to see if anything is written inside the system
2) do you have video proof that the person is not active and not trying to do the things asked of them
3) how can you unban Nironers for the exact same thing but Alexsander stays banned? ( is it because nironers is polish?)
4) How can you send someone to prison for picking up a loot that a monster drops that is sellable to npcs ?
5) How many actual BOTTERS has your system caught . because if your system is not a fail then you should know how many people where actually botting . If your system is to catch botters you are telling me 100% of the people who got banned are botting ? (100% not 90 not 82 not 95%)
GM Quillon
Game Master

6th March 2019 22:05:05 (Last edited 6th March 2019 22:05:45)

For security reasons, we do not disclose the data you are asking for. If you are looking for informations about bot verification this link will be useful: Only following information are public.

-- Quillon