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31st July 2019 06:42:57 GM Quillon View post »
31st July 2019 12:38:30 GM Quillon View post »
Hauted Cursed

Level 62
31st July 2019 01:41:35

EN -Hello I come here today to claim an unfair ban more to start I will tell you what happened.
It was me and some friends in the boss Bliatheroith as soon as we killed the boss I warned that I would go to the bathroom, just when I came out of the bathroom and got to the computer my char was banned so I patiently sent an email requesting the explanation for being banned by an "automatic" system where GM sent me while I was in the bathroom as I didn't do the process my char was banned so i sent msg via email first and then with another char to try to chat without reply i waited 1 day for them to check the email where they are requesting my waste and the answer was that I will not be lost because I was in a bot and my character was afk so I would like to eagerly prove that I was using something illicit or my waste without cause.:smartass:

BR-Olá venho aqui hoje para reclamar um banimento injusto mais para começar vou contar o ocorrido.
Estava eu e alguns amigos no boss Bliatheroith logo que matamos o boss avisei que iria ao banheiro, logo quando sai do banheiro e cheguei ao computador meu char estava banido então pacientemente mandei e-mail solicitando a explicaçao por ser banido por um sistema "automatico" aonde o GM me mandou enquanto estava no banheiro como nao fiz o processo meu char foi banido entao mandei msg atraves de e-mail primeiramente e logo depois com um outro char para tentar conversar sem resposta esperei 1 dia para eles checarem o email aonde esta solicitando meu desbanimento e a respota foi que nao serei desbanido porque estava de bot sendo que meu char estava afk entao gostaria encaricidamente a prova de que estava usando algo ilicito ou meu desbanimento sem causa.:smartass:

Level 795
31st July 2019 02:19:04

I agree, he told us he was going to the bathroom right after killing the boss, and after then GM Quillon showed up and teleported him for the automatic test.:/

Level 163
31st July 2019 02:21:23

He could simply submit the evidence before making such an offensive decision.
El Mart

Level 340
31st July 2019 02:27:38 (Last edited 31st July 2019 02:31:40)

If Quillon spoke to Breebow and he didn't answer, then the boss respawn, and breebow attacks, ignoring the GM, I would agree. but the guy going to the bathroom and even knowing it, being warned by friends who were there with him and still banish, I think a ban is not valid, just come to ask for evidence.
Let's be rational, just evidence, do it right please.

I would like to explain one thing, just my team is playing novus, we have an active community and moving card buying, it would be very easy for us all to stop by a simple ban, it seems to me corrupt, if there is a mistake we would like it to be corrected by guys like us that the game is still alive.

Level 896
31st July 2019 06:38:52

When lawyers start showing up, it always means that the situation is bad.
GM Quillon
Game Master

31st July 2019 06:42:57 (Last edited 31st July 2019 12:37:32)

Only active (low idle) and actively involved into fight (attacking Bliatheroith with spells (not just marking target) in this case) player can be moved to verication isle. There is no exception which allow GM to move afking players to this place.

So, simply - your character named Breebow was moved to verification isle when you were actively involved into fight against Bliatheroith. Someone or something firstly marked this monster and something used spells to support your team to kill Bliatheroith faster. Since you were in the bathroom - unspecified something firstly marked Bliatheroith (normal macro can not detect monsters) and started to attack monster, drink mana potions etc.

-- Quillon

Level 896
31st July 2019 07:40:00

Advice for the future!

Physiological needs - Zezenia offline.
Human Barrel

Level 368
31st July 2019 11:31:52

Quoting GM Quillon:
Only active and involved into fight (attacking Bliatheroith in this case) player can be moved to verication isle. There is no exception which allow GM to move afking players to this place.


I didn't understand anything, I stopped playing like 2-3 years ago GM Quillon, This bot system is flawed, the staff can do better than that... :smartass:
Hauted Cursed

Level 62
31st July 2019 11:52:36

Quoting GM Quillon:
Only active and involved into fight (attacking Bliatheroith in this case) player can be moved to verication isle. There is no exception which allow GM to move afking players to this place.


here is the question if it was something automatic was a mistake because right after killing the boss goes out to the bathroom and so banned and came anyway contact staff to justify and fix it
Hauted Cursed

Level 62
31st July 2019 12:03:09

Quoting GM Quillon:
Only active and involved into fight (attacking Bliatheroith in this case) player can be moved to verication isle. There is no exception which allow GM to move afking players to this place.


quillon your verification system is meant to catch botters, not afk players. If a player moves, spells, attacks monsters, and you have questions about being a botter, I think it's valid.

Now I just attacking the boss and going to do something else. I know the boss reappears in 6 minutes. I went to the bathroom. It seems that in this case your verification system is invalid according to the class I use. Review this concept, have some consideration.
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