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23rd December 2019 01:28:47 GM Shadow View post »

Level 17
23rd December 2019 17:42:33

Quoting Caste:
GG staff . still have long cooldown and still not on target .

Why didn't you listen to community , you guys got a bunch of negative feedback on the spell and everyone told you how to fix it . Even players who main other classes said it was unfair.

you guys made a useless spell , hit in more area and still is fucking useless .

Nobody will ever use this spell in solo hunt or even team hunts .

Shamans , Marksmans , Rogues got improved but Warlocks once again shafted with a stupid infront of caster spell .

Fix it, ASAP .

GG bye.

Bud just continue to let their game be dead. no use playing this. 7 months for a spell revamp that could a been done in a couple days. quit wasting your time

Level 490
23rd December 2019 17:55:08

I agree.
Quoting Caste:
Quoting GM Shadow:
We will continue to take a look at all classes and the best ways to give each subclass a more unique hunting style and fun spells. This update was focused on bringing some balance back with a plan to make more changes and the subclass differentiation more clear in upcoming updates.

Regarding warlock/mage this update. The changes to Cross, Advanced Soulfire, and Energy Blast have made it more usable in party hunts. Currently warlocks are primarily a single target subclass and are not meant to match a Pyro or even Shaman in that way. The additional boost to PvM damage on single target spells is significant.

Please take some time to hunt with these changes and we'll continue to monitor and make necessary adjustments with future changes in mind

GM Shadow

This doesn't really make sense , if you state warlocks are single target then this spell shouldn't exsist nor should any other area spell for that matter . Whats the difference between target or infront of caster .. it still will hit the same number of SQM.

You should really listen to your community . Seems a lot of people do not agree with this spell not being on target. Even other classes say it is unfair .

If you do not change it to what your community wants, it will be useless and never used , just like original cross and your 1st revamp on it . This is now 2nd revamp and after a few days everyone will notice that its a waste lmao.
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