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27th May 2021 11:21:03 GM Shadow View post »

Level 634
21st January 2021 12:48:44

hello good morning on the 20th around 21st January 2021 00:38:55 dracolich 352 Yes killed by game crash had several deaths i would like to request my lvl back and the money i spent.:/:/

Level 629
27th May 2021 11:15:09

i am asking someone to do something about it, it happened more than once the error kicks you out of the character I do not know why such errors are not quickly repaired; / new players also complain about the error:/:/:smartass: 24th May 2021 02:27:33 an evil ent 542 Yes solo by ERROR
GM Shadow
Game Master

27th May 2021 11:21:03 (Last edited 27th May 2021 11:23:47)

Sorry to hear about your deaths!
We are always exploring the best ways to provide a stable server for everyone and will continue to do so.

Unfortunately the most common reason for 'lag' is not the game server but rather your route to the server which we cannot directly control because it is decided by individual ISP's. We know it can be frustrating - Please continue to use control + R in game and emailing