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The Black Friday weekend is here! All premium card orders from now to Monday 26th 12:00 UTC will yield 25% extra cards for free. For example, purchasing 100 cards will give you 125 cards.

We have also updated the servers with new deals. Premium outfits can now be purchased for 75 cards, and you can join the Smart Trader Guild for a payment of 20 cards. Osvald and Thorvald are feeling gracious, and will grant a 10% chance of canceling your task for free.

Don't forget that using multiple premium cards now gives you extra time: with 7 or 14 days of premium active, each card will give you an extra 6 or 12 hours of premium time.

In addition, the party experience boost has been lowered to 10% per player, up to a maximum boost of 60%.

See you ingame!

Zezenia Staff
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