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This week's Server Save includes the following changes:

New Humwich quests

Two new low level quests have been added to Humwich to extend the Eidos/Gulshan Village progression.

* Farmers in Peril

* Cursed in Love

Note: beware of the local Werewolf miniboss in Humwich outskirts.

Changes and additions

- Atlas: rotated PvP enforced zone to Ice Islands.

- Stats updated on new gear. New gear class restricted appropriately.

- Cleave cooldown increased by one second to three seconds.

- Shield Slam drunk effect removed and stun chance adjusted.

- New herb gathering spawn trial for clovers, beets, desert flowers. Herb density in map and gathered amount adjusted.

Coming up soon

- We are aware of the ongoing discussions around single target vs AoE and are looking into the matter. We appreciate all the ideas and feedback, please continue to discuss the best solutions!

- Work on an all new level 400+ dungeon has started. Do not let the "dungeon" name fool you: this will be a brand new experience featuring numerous new mechanics! We look forward to sharing more information soon.

Public Test Server

2022 sets new plans for the future of Zezenia Online. To kick things off, a new Public Test Server featuring experimental balancing changes and improvements will open soon. Stay tuned for more details!

Zezenia Staff
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