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A Zezenia Online Game Update has been released. The game client will update automatically. Steam users may need to restart to receive updates.

This update includes the following changes:

Fire & Ice Hunt

This challenging hunt is located in the Chenoo spawn of the Ice Islands. Proficiency dealing with Chenoo is required to enter.

Zezenia Online Forum Screenshot

Hardcore Demonic Ents Hunt

A hardcore Demonic Ent portal has been added north of Eidos.

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Karkkila Updates

The Karkkila region in the Ice Islands has received some landscaping:

- Added more creatures to the respawns of Kidamru, Snowbeasts, Savages, Marauders, Cutthroats and Executioners on the ground floor.
- Significantly expanded the Volcanic Golem respawn.
- Added a number of Crystal Dragons to the old respawn. Moved some mountains to create a circular respawn pattern.
- Reshaped narrow passages in the respawns of Ice Demons and Ice Throwers and added a few more monsters.
- Turned the Western Yeti Respawn into a circle and added more monsters.
- Added quick access to the old Xyioquan Dragons respawn and added some monsters.
- Added quick access to the Volcanic Golem respawn.

Full Changelog

Quoting Full changelog 2024-09-04:
- Reduced the game client download size.
- Added Pillar of Healing & Power to the Bestiary.
- Fixed a possible crash panning the monster or NPC map.
- Fixed falchion missing in item library.

Zezenia Staff
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