Paladin Maestro

Level 183
31st January 2018 21:13:01 (Last edited 31st January 2018 21:13:21)

"I can scarcely believe the price I paid for this enormous mansion," said Don Roberto, as he unpacked his belongings in his new home. That old and huge house had been for sale for quite some time, without anyone making an offer for it.

Don Roberto, a lone writer, needed a quiet place to finish his incomplete works. The old house represented an ideal place. -Poor superstitious devils, look at not wanting this huge property for being next to a cemetery! - Don Roberto said to himself, while basking in the excellent purchase he had made. -Finally I can finish my works in this quiet and quiet place-

Once installed, Don Roberto hurried and set to work. He liked to write for long uninterrupted periods and often the night surprised him working. It was precisely in one night, when he realized that the farm would not be the temple of silence that he believed, since right under his window, a white dog would spend the night barking at his own shadow.

The first few nights, Don Roberto tried to ignore the annoying noises of his unwanted street partner. "Some day the poor beast will have to get tired," he said to convince himself that peace would return.

A couple of weeks passed, and what in the first instance were barks in the distance, for Don Roberto became his personal torment. Just as the dog began to bark, he lowered the pen and stopped writing, since it was invaded by a deep hatred towards the one who bothered him. He could not think of anything but the recurrent question: What damn hours will that infernal animal be silent ?!

As more time passed, Don Roberto made a terrible hatred grow inside him, always afraid that the sun would be hidden and his tormentor would start making noise all night. He lost the inspiration to write and at the same time he developed insomnia, with which he deprived himself of the restful rest, necessary to dawn fresh the next day.

Little by little, he became more obsessed with his annoying neighbor, watching him for long hours in the night, while barking furiously and protectively at nothing. - This beast has lost its reason! I can not anymore, I must find a solution to be able to join my activities, I have two months behind in my publications and I will not allow this devilish animal to stand in my way- Don Roberto said as he wielded with fury and bit his own teeth.

The next day he found the solution, he would poison the unwanted one so that he would leave him alone. -I hate to do this, but it's the only way I can have peace- He said to calm down while looking in the attic for rodent poison. Before nightfall, Don Roberto left his house. Frozen by the cold winds of October and accustomed to writing by the fireplace, he returned by his long black coat and a worn scarf, the only existing gift of his late wife, to go out to find the annoying dog.

The writer's face was lugubrious and determined. I knew that in order to have the much longed for peace, I had to take that step. - It's just an animal! I will surely get him out of his misery. When he found the dog, it moved its tail and went to meet him, as if it were a close friend. Don Roberto looked at him a little, with his cold and penetrating gaze and the dog all he did was lie down with him while he cheerfully wagged his tail.

For a moment, hesitated, but determined to find rest, he approached a loaf of bread, full of the fatal rat poison. The dog gave the writer a look, there was a minute of silence and immediately swallowed it quickly. "You can tell he was hungry, poor animal! in the end I have helped him more than he imagines- He said to himself, trying to moralize his act.

The writer decided to return quickly to his house, so as not to witness the moment of death. He also had a lot to celebrate since he could finally go back to sleep and finish his pending writings. Only a faint murmur of conscience bothered him as he made his way briskly to his lurid abode.

Upon entering, Don Roberto ran to his desk placed comfortably by the fireplace and next to the window facing the street where the dog used to give his thunderous show. He prepared a huge cup of hot chocolate and began to write. -This night I will not sleep, it will be a productive celebration for the peace that I can finally have! -

The night fell and as it had been foreseen, it was the quietest one I had had in a long time. Silence was so spectral that one could hear the creaking of the old wood and the leaves pounding the windows as they fell from the trees. Everything went wonderfully, Don Roberto looked tirelessly down the street in search of the annoying invader, but found no traces of it, just silence and a dark night.

What would have been the real reason?

:smartass::smartass::smartass:This is my story I hope you read it and someday you can add it to a book!!! :smartass::smartass::smartass: