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10th May 2019 14:53:16 GM Quillon View post »

Level 205
10th May 2019 13:32:29

Good evening and it's been 1 month since I sent my first email asking for a solution about my problem since my zezenia.exe stops working in the same way they can not send packs of send parcel because they do not arrive and tried to send from other characters and mark error such as character not found and others as explained in previous emails I just want my iten be returned spend 90 bonus for a weapon to lose my premiuns cards so today is 1 month and I still do not see answers to my mistake also dev notify again that this error only happens with my main character and it costs me to enter to enter is a problem and sent an email with more information please give me an answer

GM Quillon
Game Master

10th May 2019 14:53:16


We would like to help you and you were aked to re-write your e-mail into better, more understable english. To receive help, explain which character is involved into this issue. When it happens, which NPC causes problems and who is or already was the recipient of this parcel? Without following details it will be hard to solve your problem.

-- Quillon

Level 12
10th May 2019 15:56:37

I do not speak much English, although I will try to translate as much as possible and send the information with the most relevant problems. I await your reply to my mail