
Level 99
29th September 2019 08:04:46 (Last edited 29th September 2019 12:25:15)

Guild for People from Poland but also for Sweden or England. ;)

1. Wspólne polowania. / Hunting together.
2. Zawsze mozesz liczyc na czyjas pomoc! / You can always count on someone's help!
3. Mamy wlasnego Discorda!!! / We have own Discord (also with Sweden/England voice/text channels!!!
4. Zapraszamy nawet nowych graczy! / We invite also new players.

Jesli chcesz do nas dolaczyc napisz do: / If You would like to join us, msg to:
- Happy Man
- Fps
- Panpasowiec
- Emigru
- Drej Day
- Dekuu

Anonimowi Alkoholicy Guild

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Zezenia Online Forum Screenshot
Zezenia Online Forum Screenshot