
Level 30
6th August 2023 09:05:00 (Last edited 6th August 2023 09:34:16)

I've seen some players talking about shamans having no function in late game.

Unfortunately for those who know well Zezenia that's the truth.

As a paladin can hunt very well in a party or solo i think the shamans must have equal independence to do that, however doing less exp without a warrior to improve their hunt.

Hailstorm's buff on last update wasn't quite enough to improve the hunt for those who play alone. If it was okay, rangers could have received a second wave for hellish volley, an AoE similar to hailstorm, but that's not enough to raise the experience so they got the ricochets.

I'm not asking for a huge buff on damage only something to work in solo hunts for those who like the subclass and don't have a blocker or wanna play alone as a paladin can easily do.

I suggest to create a new wave spell but cooldown a bit higher than most attack spells - between 12s and 15s - to help on big lures of monsters however keeping shamans doing solo exp per hour below any other subclass.

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Level 353
14th August 2023 20:53:53

no future for this subclass only way "Pay and change the sub for warlock"
Death Soul

Level 34
14th August 2023 23:25:33

You all want to gain lvl fast, best option would be to do that without a must of boosting monsters and grind it 2-3 months. You doing nothing, complaining on forum, sitting on game doing nothing instead of making boosts and money for better eq, and on the end you compare with couple guys that are playing game on grind style and choose warlock to do that.
Go and make some lvls on 2 h boosts everyday, and when you reach certain lvl try yourself out on a decent spawn. You probably dont even know on what place what exp you make, while/without full boost, but you only cry and compare to warlock subclass. But surprise you moxxxerfxxxer, there even is no warlock on your level playing, so to who you compare? To lvl 600's ? Omg I bet you didnt even tried out test server, probably you didnt even have a decent equipment. Go and train your playing skills, after 3-4 months of grinding, I mean boosting everyday, you will have a MORAL permission to comment situation of subclasses.