Nietzsche God

Level 117
24th August 2023 18:07:10

Hey i am new and i have difficult to sell itens, sound something stupid but like tibia when you click in SELL tab at any NPC it at least shows you itens you do have in the bag first... it make much easier and fast to sell loots, just short the itens by quantity we do have in the bag, because by my understanding the shorting is showing the itens by price its fine for the BUY section but make it confuse for new players like me when i do try to sell itens after hunting

some sword NPCs buy from you like 30 type of meele weapons and its annoying to scroll until the bottom twice to be able to find the item you want to sell

I saw that after the update my map start to show up icons telling us about the up and down stairs it was amazin, another change could be a icon with the NPC name, the initial quests made me confuse trying to find again the NPCS i got the quests....

Thats it, thanks for reading