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15th October 2015 11:20:01 K-Zodron View post »
16th October 2015 17:07:02 K-Zodron View post »
17th October 2015 09:57:14 K-Zodron View post »
18th October 2015 16:38:16 K-Zodron View post »

Level 472
15th October 2015 09:54:32 (Last edited 2nd November 2019 15:03:15)


Level 472
15th October 2015 10:10:29 (Last edited 2nd November 2019 15:03:18)


Level 296
15th October 2015 11:06:21

Why not introduce mouse play more to the game.
Perhaps make HP pots needed to be aimed?
Make atleast one spell for mages you aim with your mouse(skillshot) that will have higher damage then other spells.
Waves, skillshots can have higher damage but guaranteed success hits really can't be devastating.
The options are many, don't get so stuck in what it is now because i am sorry but the design is retarded for pvp.
It is true that, even tho 25% less dmg is better it is true that some things become stupid when u just reduce dmg.
Think outside the box! because, the system we had for years.. im sorry to tell u but it blows!
This game is mainly for rpgers for that reason.

The sad thing is that alot players are afraid of changes because they have built their identity and status in what the game has been for years.
Alot of people in power, today. Would lose it fast in a more skillbased design. Perhaps that's a good thing? since we have so little players.
The people who likes to pvp is looking for something where they can put their skill to use and not just their numbers.
This is why today zezenias players who are in power are either just caring about the feeling of power, ego boost or just here to rpg and ended up powerful.
Real pvpers don't stick around at this game and if they do it's not to pvp and they get bored eventually.

15th October 2015 11:20:01 (Last edited 15th October 2015 13:47:44)

Quoting Dancore:
Question, can we have some kind of explanation of how raise is capped and changed from before. If it's capped to certain lvl then being a high lvl raise duo don't matter anymore at all?

The formula is ((level + magiclevel) + (supporterlevel + supportermagiclevel)) / 2, and now it is capped at a maximum of 200 extra speed levels. So yes, at a certain point becoming higher level / magic level won't make a difference.

Anyway in general, I think the 25% reduction is worth a shot on live servers as well. Bravery reduction at 50% may work as well. My concerns, however, are regarding the cap of RoP and the possibility that we would need a slight armor penetration for rangers against warriors. If anybody has values to suggest, I'm all ears!
Happy Troll

Level 37
15th October 2015 13:36:21

25% is right!:smartass:

stop crying nabas!

Level 296
15th October 2015 13:56:58 (Last edited 15th October 2015 14:06:42)

Quoting K-Zodron:
Quoting Dancore:
Question, can we have some kind of explanation of how raise is capped and changed from before. If it's capped to certain lvl then being a high lvl raise duo don't matter anymore at all?

The formula is ((level + magiclevel) + (supporterlevel + supportermagiclevel)) / 2, and now it is capped at a maximum of 200 extra speed levels. So yes, at a certain point becoming higher level / magic level won't make a difference.

Anyway in general, I think the 25% reduction is worth a shot on live servers as well. Bravery reduction at 50% may work as well. My concerns, however, are regarding the cap of RoP and the possibility that we would need a slight armor penetration for rangers against warriors. If anybody has values to suggest, I'm all ears!

Why not just reduce warrior defence overall? as mentioned by Peaceseeker.
It's really strong atm, don't even require bravery or healer for anything as paladin.
This way warriors would also get a slight boost against eachothers.
Maybe just reduce fortification talantes to like 10-15%.. this wouldnt effect mages anything since mages don't rly use those talents cuz it's 25% of ur total defence points and not blocking 25% dmg

Another idea is to just put defending skill cap to x
so it wont effect lower lvl warriors.
i get why people wanna get 150 melee but 150 defending is bit ... when u can hunt everything at about 80

Level 362
15th October 2015 14:44:53

Quoting K-Zodron:
Quoting Dancore:
Question, can we have some kind of explanation of how raise is capped and changed from before. If it's capped to certain lvl then being a high lvl raise duo don't matter anymore at all?

The formula is ((level + magiclevel) + (supporterlevel + supportermagiclevel)) / 2, and now it is capped at a maximum of 200 extra speed levels. So yes, at a certain point becoming higher level / magic level won't make a difference.

Anyway in general, I think the 25% reduction is worth a shot on live servers as well. Bravery reduction at 50% may work as well. My concerns, however, are regarding the cap of RoP and the possibility that we would need a slight armor penetration for rangers against warriors. If anybody has values to suggest, I'm all ears!

@rop. How about marksman, paladin, and everyone else speed boosts? Does they give extra x speed lvls, or theeres some kind of progress?

I personally disagree with the cap, why hurting high lvls and leaving lower lvls as before. Are we about to balance stuff, or making everyone equal?
Capped 200lvl speed boost means that 2 guys lvl 140ea with 60m lvl will get maximum effect. So in the strongest rop case (mine+dancore) we lose a lot, while the others either lose a little or doesnt lose anything.
Instead i would suggest changing either changing it to ((level + magiclevel) + (supporterlevel + supportermagiclevel)) / 2,2
Or just make it combined with speed boosts and make it
((level + magiclevel) + (supporterlevel + supportermagiclevel)) / 5

P.s. bravery got nerfed a little as i explaimed in the previous post. Also high team still have the highest effect cuz theres no cap. And duration is still the same. While rop is nerfed for high lvls totaly.
Feels unfair :(

Level 46
15th October 2015 16:03:25

Uhm ok 25% dmg reduce and 50% bravery reduce also ok i guess but About rop being capped i think you should just maybe reduce 10% and put a big cool down time so that way you wont be able just to use it as u want. It will still be a strong spell but you need to be smart about using it so you just dont wasted it.

Level 952
16th October 2015 00:54:20

Hey K-z, before introducing 25% reduction in the actual pvp servers, maybe open a test server with 10% or 15% reduction and go by the feedback that the players will give you ? instead of jumping straight into 25%?

Just a suggestion, i think a lot of players would agree with me.

Level 506
16th October 2015 02:43:06 (Last edited 16th October 2015 02:47:18)

Quoting K-Zodron:
Quoting Dancore:
Question, can we have some kind of explanation of how raise is capped and changed from before. If it's capped to certain lvl then being a high lvl raise duo don't matter anymore at all?

The formula is ((level + magiclevel) + (supporterlevel + supportermagiclevel)) / 2, and now it is capped at a maximum of 200 extra speed levels. So yes, at a certain point becoming higher level / magic level won't make a difference.

Anyway in general, I think the 25% reduction is worth a shot on live servers as well. Bravery reduction at 50% may work as well. My concerns, however, are regarding the cap of RoP and the possibility that we would need a slight armor penetration for rangers against warriors. If anybody has values to suggest, I'm all ears!

That's pretty much what nobody wants, this could have handed differently. Like somebody said here just decrease the effect by some percentage in general and put a longer cooldown like same way bravery has it for example. High lvls can cast bravery 24/7 but still under 12 minutes.

This way all lvls would still gain by every lvl and ml but it wouldn't be so op as before.

The problem was that if somebody got paralyzed, new players joined the fight situation or somebody missclicked their own haste by accident. you could have casted RoP all the time.

Also about rangers i feel it kinda absurd that my rangers 155 distance poffs half hits on a guy with 133 defending, and the hits which don't poff are from aprox. 1-250 totally random, plain natural also no bravery no def pots et cetera.
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