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6th March 2019 21:46:17 GM Quillon View post »

Level 905
6th March 2019 20:36:54

Quoting Chronic Spears:
Quoting Chaoslock:
You must to be so f*****g dumb to fail at this verification.

+1 not ganna lie its extremely easy if you know how to read lol

Imagine you played for a few years , stopped and returned and you are huntjng and out of nowhere you get sent to this system , you are twlling me everyone in this game would pass if they where active ? Im sure people where confused , you have to pull the switch alsp up and down , it is not clear and you have to do it so fast . You cannot poasibly think 100% of active people will pass . Its like having a math equation .. not everyone will have the same answer .

If they can check the logs or the video they will see he pulled thr lever went back to the start and spammed whats next whats next ..

Level 905
6th March 2019 20:37:57

Quoting Night Spy:
" He was 100% active "

" Unfair Ban "


Zezenia Online Forum Screenshot

You do not even understand the scenerio , but i guess everyone should play like you and they will never go in bot check system . Npc Lens

Level 337
6th March 2019 20:41:01

Quoting Caste:
Imagine you played for a few years , stopped and returned and you are huntjng and out of nowhere you get sent to this system , you are twlling me everyone in this game would pass if they where active ? Im sure people where confused , you have to pull the switch alsp up and down , it is not clear and you have to do it so fast . You cannot poasibly think 100% of active people will pass . Its like having a math equation .. not everyone will have the same answer .

If they can check the logs or the video they will see he pulled thr lever went back to the start and spammed whats next whats next ..

I know its a faulty system it needs to be removed/fixed... but at the same time its really easy to follow I tested it myself
GM Quillon
Game Master

6th March 2019 21:46:17

Closing thread, ban is fair. During the account creation process - each player accepted the rules and its future possible changes. Failure to bot verification clearly indicates the usage of such software and the absence of manual play.

This system can be cheated - player must actively watch screen of game. We know about it since implementation - it's not a secret, but it does not mean that verification is so broken. We use few methods to check players, verification is just one of them. On the other hand, verification process is very easy to solve. The player receives instructions in the four main languages used in Zezenia and avg. player need less than 30 seconds to complete it.

-- Quillon
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