
Level 37
25th May 2019 00:10:21

Talk to me, everyone, have a good night.
discussing today with an elysium and novus pharos player.
each with their thinking and their dynamics about the game we reached a consensus.
one of the things that spoiled the game itself was the joining of the servers between Pharos and Platon.
then picked up a server that was 10x and joined with Pharos.
and now has been reduced to exp and the skill going to be 2x exp and 2x skill until you reach skill 100.
very good it ended up totally spoiling the game.

Let's go to the facts.
many plays that he kept in the game were the team.
that same team integers that were in their full dominated servers.
this even ended up destroying the game itself because many players the so-called enemies.
they stopped because they were discouraged by their enemies.
other facts we must also remember that in the middle of this photo is the new players.
who are often confused with enemies and dead even in their early stages of the game.

with this junction I remember that I stopped at elysium.
because I did not want to take 1 to 2 years training my char to start upalo because even if I would not know if I would be alive or I would still be in the game playing.
and many players have done this by going to the pharos for everath.
and many stop playing because they arrive at the servers were killed for financial reasons.
and because all of the servers think it was their enemies who were in new chars.

something even a beast that happens even today.
and I see a lot of discussion in the forum for that.

so I ask everyone who likes this game as well as I will join and give a solution to the game.
Do not criticize the initiative of people who are trying to play online game with donates and everything.

I would like that many bug fixes fixed as the servers added plus that would be impossible and even that many players seem to be so power abuser.
many people stopped playing because they had their accounts deleted.
by buying char.
sale of accounts.
we know that this is illegal + moves the zezenia market a lot.

Sometimes I ask myself what would be a plausible solution?
What should we do where we are wrong?
lack of disclosure?
missing servers? with exp rate and high skill?
missing servers with high bends?
lacking more generous players?
lack more understanding of the team? of zezenia? in some ways?
I know that many jueum in elysium respect this.
and many will say this suggesting another otserver?
not my brother I'm suggesting maybe a solution to save the game I see myself playing it from here not only 5 or 10 years.

we have great examples of players.
that when you create on your server they help you without question.
like elysium Labbadia.
Caste do pharos.
Wyhuall of Everath.
Deadpool from the Platon Now is Pharos.
to other names many players who welcome the new players.
to bring more people.
I myself am streamer but I'm with my pc burnt.
and I'm just playing to have fun with a celerom.
Let's go to the crowd instead of criticizing.
I gave options in the suggestion of the game and we will improve this game that for years is dead.
missing players.
because the game quests to be played most essential missing online players.
Thank you so God, good night to everyone.
and do not criticize but help change.


Level 37
25th May 2019 00:11:24 (Last edited 25th May 2019 00:11:48)

I apologize for so much written things to many examples that could be changed more I will ask you to help me in what you would like in your comments.