
Level 260
15th September 2019 22:46:03 (Last edited 15th September 2019 22:46:58)

I would like to propose something about the death system. I think the loss of both, level and skills are so MUCH.
I think it would be fair for there to be 2 types of blessing, one like the current one, but no premium cost, and another of more value, 5 premmy cards for example or some fair amount of money, but more powerful than the current one, I think x4 times more in pvp, both in skills and in experience, and that protects 100% in deaths by monsters.
I understand that the game would become "pay to win" But what game is not? I think the fights would be more exciting and with less frustration ... A slightly more balanced economy and of course much more fun for those who just like to fight ..

excuse my english, I hope you understand

Ht Savage

Level 385
16th September 2019 01:30:02 (Last edited 16th September 2019 01:31:44)

Soon it wont be worth to kill people anymore so we would just start to destroy peoples hunts!

Tibia is taking over zezenia.

We could arrange a warzone event so you have endless hours of pvp without losing anything!

Last team standing all worlds combined ftw

Level 260
16th September 2019 01:32:44

Quoting Ht Savage:
Soon it wont be worth to kill people anymore so we would just start to destroy peoples hunts!

Tibia is taking over zezenia.

We could arrange a warzone event so you have endless hours of pvp without losing anything!

Last team standing all worlds combined ftw

Fun = Worth

Level 362
16th September 2019 06:41:32

I agree, but on the opposite side lol. People lose very little right now. In pvp ye, its okay. But pvm... People dont care if they die cuz its couple hours for h lvl to take exp back.

We used to worry about deaths back in the day. Not sure if we are aging and that's the reason why we dont care that much about our chars or it's just me.

Level 506
16th September 2019 07:02:57

Don't make this like tibia. This system has been modified so many times and everything started from server lags, then it just stayd on and people didn't want old system back, imagine if it would be the old system.

Let it be at least like this, it's good this way... Separates the charlovers.

Level 260
16th September 2019 14:13:19

I understand your point of view, but I don't respect it from who is coming. It makes me very hypocritical of you, since whenever there is a fight you don't have time to play .. How would you solve the problem that new or old people just can't play again because 400-500 people won't let them ? Let's face it .. There are no neutrals in Pharos because you don't let them .. or they are friends or enemies .. I understand that the dungeons are up ... hide .. leave makers, antilocate .. But I think it's very Tryhard and the people gets tired of it .. What is the problem with everyone getting up and making fairer fights? without a total domain of the server ..

I think that believing that tibia is a failed game because of its PVP appearance today is a stupid .. for something it has more than 10,000 active players.

Remember that in this game it is very easy to die compared to tibia.
Human Barrel

Level 368
16th September 2019 15:17:54

Quoting Troyano:
I would like to propose something about the death system. I think the loss of both, level and skills are so MUCH.
I think it would be fair for there to be 2 types of blessing, one like the current one, but no premium cost, and another of more value, 5 premmy cards for example or some fair amount of money, but more powerful than the current one, I think x4 times more in pvp, both in skills and in experience, and that protects 100% in deaths by monsters.
I understand that the game would become "pay to win" But what game is not? I think the fights would be more exciting and with less frustration ... A slightly more balanced economy and of course much more fun for those who just like to fight ..

excuse my english, I hope you understand


I agree Troyano, it would be interesting, many players die by internet, lag, freezes in game, frustrating situation man...
look this man
Revolta da Senzala

Death Date Killed By At Level Justified
12th September 2019 20:54:22 a lighter 240 Yes
11th September 2019 16:26:53 a mammoth 238 Yes
7th September 2019 04:49:55 an unholy dreadlord 232 Yes
6th September 2019 05:44:47 a volcanic golem 230 Yes
5th September 2019 12:31:48 a volcanic golem 229 Yes
4th September 2019 08:02:01 a volcanic golem 227 Yes
Anuel Ft

Level 613
16th September 2019 15:43:36


We all should feel the penalty of dieing. Kinda sucks if it comes due lag or freezes but thats something staff can fix.
some sort of system to see if youre lagged out? so monsters lose target on you, idk.

Dont take the last pvp bit out of pvp servers.
King Rabbe

Level 440
16th September 2019 15:46:05

I agree but i don't fully agree with this.

I believe regular deaths should stay the way it is. We already have death loss recovery.

Now talking about PvP deaths for sure i could agree about a new PvP blessing. Preventing you from losing your equipment and reducing your experience and skill loss, however it doesn't protects your regular blessings, in case you die due to PvP fight. Meaning when you die in PvP you wont lost as much experience and skill as now but you will lost all your blessings.

King Rabbe