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24th October 2019 14:22:25 GM Shadow View post »

Level 19
24th October 2019 13:54:23

Can game masters really do anything about the recently multiplied collecting bots? Don't you understand that you are losing potential new players without doing anything? Ever wonder why less and less people play? In my opinion, it is the fault of the disturbed game economy. Characters with levels > 300 make a bot, equip him with the best equipment, bless him and let him collect for the night. As a result, new players who would like to earn something from gathering have no such opportunity. They are not able to jump over these bots. In addition, if someone is smart enough to kill such a bot - they are later chased by a level higher than him by about 200.
If you do nothing about it - server novus will be their private property only. Because no one can stop it. If you are not able to ban the owners of these bots on level 300, then at least ban these bots. Grrr ...
GM Shadow
Game Master

24th October 2019 14:22:25 (Last edited 24th October 2019 14:24:48)

Appreciate your concern for the game - We actively monitor player actions and will continue to do so.

If you have any concerns please use control + r report function in game.

GM Shadow