
Level 144
22nd November 2019 23:09:58

Good, I wanted to know if the zezenia game lords could help me, it happened to me that when I finish the quest of Thadeus part 2, in the tower where you have to light the candles in order, when I open the chest to collect the re-start of the quest , there I batch a recipe which must be delivered to the npc thadeus (which I did not know) which I threw away that recipe, which now I can not advance to the next quest, since I am missing that recipe, what can I do? gm could you help me? thanks :)

Level 905
24th November 2019 18:52:29

I am not a GM , but what you did was your fault.. I mean how can you throw a scroll from a chest away ….
My advice is to create a new char just to do Thadeus and pass the scroll to your main .

GG have fun.