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2nd March 2020 14:13:10 GM Shadow View post »

Level 301
28th February 2020 19:01:24

Hello, good afternoon Team Zezenia.

I would like to make some suggestions in order to help new players in the game:

1. Improve SPOILER of the quests, example: Quest Vozuth Rune Quest, to start we do not have the location information of the npc Ugorath and what is the speech with the same. we have to 'guess' which is Vozuth Rune, this happens with several quests.

2. Create a LOG with npc Thorlvad and Osvald to see which monsters you are capable of killing at each level (easy, medium, hard). In other words, I’m level 150, I request the same, Monster kill:
Hard: demon, orknie archmage,
Medium: Yeti, Xyo Dragon.
Easy: Orknie Rider, Devasting Beelte, etc.

but not chose.

3. Improve item drop. Today prices in Zezenia are very inflated, in the npc it is worth 100k, in the market 2kk. Due to the incredible difficulty of dropping the item. I suggest something around 0.3 ~ 0.5%.

4. Option to Full Screen mode.

5. Option to sell mystical Norrlun herb in NPC like another poisons.

6. Use poison itens to Task Osvald/Thorvald again.

I appreciate the attention and I hope the suggestions are valid. :D

Level 15
29th February 2020 13:28:00

1. Yep, quests need spoilers cuz, 80% of quests are secrets to new players, mainly they solve them only due to veterans who have info. Sometimes even those players have no idea.

2. To see what monsters u can achieve at certain stages would be lovely, this way u could know what to save for collects and what to sell without it being a misstake. Also when stages change you will know it and not randomly receive an impossible kill task etc.

3. I think market prices are fine tbh, i think the problem is that even low level gear can have low droprate in even the hard monsters, which makes it harder to profit from natural hunting, forcing you into taking gold reward which we all know can feel very grindy by time. We need to lift the droprate of worse items (1-30k range) rather than rares imo, this will grant u cash from monsters u can slay easier and a way to "farm" these expensive items in market. Also, maybe newcomers will stay since they can naturally farm for prem cards with a change like this.

However i agree, but not for the better items.

4. Would be an ok option.

5. Indeed, i had 100's stored and thought i was going rich.

6. U cant do that any longer? Ive been doing kill tasks for long, but if this is the case:
i agree.
GM Shadow
Game Master

2nd March 2020 14:13:10

1. Can certainly look into making things more clear in game. Hopefully the addition and growth of some fansites will help with this type of issue as well!
2. Sounds interesting - Might be a nice feature!

5. Will get this added~
6. Poisonous items are all still collect task items.

Level 949
2nd March 2020 14:41:08

If you will change the looks of items that look similar you guys should rework the look of bosses .

It’s sad to see that the boss is the same size and exact look then it’s normal monster .

For example , birlusk, eruptor, Jov , Gali ( has red eyes )

Some bosses that are cool and acceptable , baphomet, Blia , Wanu