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12th August 2020 11:13:13 Administration View post »

Level 612
12th August 2020 22:18:01 (Last edited 12th August 2020 22:18:35)

- Barbarian changes expected next Server Save.

Will it be in the SS next week ???
Warrior Da Pesada

Level 186
12th August 2020 22:20:32 (Last edited 12th August 2020 22:21:25)

Just like the other guys above, I'm loving the small weekly changes. Really positive for the game.

Can't wait to check the goblins' spawn rate later.

Level 30
14th August 2020 01:03:08

Quoting Administration:
This week's Server Save includes the following changes:

- Added Ice Thrower to training tasks.

- The chance of finding a Goblin while gathering has been increased.

- Fishing now requires a free slot in the fish bag.

- Enchanted Javelin is now a Premium spell. Cooldown has been reduced to 10 minutes.

- Fixed a rare failure when casting delayed spells.

- NPC Hefferin has departed Ellaria for now.

- NPC Ulli now buys Ornamented Shields.

- Barbarian changes expected next Server Save.

See you ingame!

Zezenia Staff

Barbarians are looking forward to these changes with great desire. Thanks @Administration @GM Shadow for listening to your community and improving Zezenia often with small but relevant patches / updates. 8)

Level 160
14th August 2020 03:08:57

Wasn't rage of fury 2 sec cooldown? it's now 1 sec, did we get a early sneak peak? lol

Level 481
14th August 2020 18:17:26

It was not good, in my opinion as barbaro, to change the coowdown from 2 seconds to 1, but removing the 1 second casting time from the ROF magic, basically in practice there was no change, since before the update, you used it once and the 1-second casting time matched the 1-second coowdown, thus generating a considerable amount of data, which is more than fair since the barbaro vocation must really generate a lot of damage, just as the paladins have several defense buffs that make them unique.
barbaro's buffs generate so much vulnerability for class that in most cases it's not even worth using, frenzy's +16 skill doesn't even make up for -500 hp lost, lost speed, defending lost.

Please put the ROF spell with cating and coowdown as it was before the update, but with the damage as it is now, nothing more fair.

and if possible that the frenzy generates some% of life steal, to compensate for the amount of negative aspects that the magic has.


Level 481
14th August 2020 18:35:04

the frenzy currently makes you lose - 10% kill defending, -10% life, in the past it gave you speed now it doesn't work anymore.

in my case it corresponds to -500 hp, - 15 defending, that for +16 skill, only, there are 2 big impacts, for a skill gain relatively little, much of the time I end up having to play without using it, maybe if she gave a percentage of life steal along with the +16 ability, she could balance a spell.

Level 30
14th August 2020 19:55:12

Quoting Illusion Head:
the frenzy currently makes you lose - 10% kill defending, -10% life, in the past it gave you speed now it doesn't work anymore.

in my case it corresponds to -500 hp, - 15 defending, that for +16 skill, only, there are 2 big impacts, for a skill gain relatively little, much of the time I end up having to play without using it, maybe if she gave a percentage of life steal along with the +16 ability, she could balance a spell.

I agree with you. Frenzy should gives much more melee skills like spell Rage gives to barbarians. Staff could improve Frenzy and remove Rage. Besides, 2 handed weapons aren't a significant advantage without a higher melee skill buff active in most part of time.
Ryan The Alcomist

Level 171
15th August 2020 15:53:54 (Last edited 15th August 2020 15:57:25)

Yeah barb is kinda weak tbh, one of many reason i havent played in so long, i even made 2 paladins after this being my main char cuz i felt paladins were so much stronger dps and tank wise, the speed buff being taken from frenzy is just retarded that was one of my fav things about it cuz honestly the few skills it gives i really didn't notice that much damage.

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