Zero Damage

Level 200
30th October 2023 01:38:26 (Last edited 30th October 2023 01:40:55)

----- GENERAL -----

/Boosts being server wide causes KSing and all other kinds of problems./
With the current increase in KSing happening when someone boosts, as I've suggested before I think it would be for the better to make the boosts something personal with a pause function. This is due to KSing but also if someone else boosts and you login with only 30 minutes left you have to wait 1 hour 30 to hunt those monsters and with how imbalanced certain monsters and spawns are, there a very few good spawns to hunt.

/Current spawn design is making non AOE classes feel even worse than they already are./
With the current spawn design and recent spawn changes, classes which do not have a reliable AOE have fallen even further behind than they where to begin with.

/Skill system gap is far too wide./
The skill gap currently is far too wide making it hard to balance classes which heavly rely on those, as I've suggested before I would squish the current skills making the current highest down to 140~, this way you could have a skill system closer to Tibias where you get to the mid point 100-110 fairly quickly and it drops off from there.
Doing so would make it easier to balance as you would know the average skill level a character would have.

/World bosses/
Again these should be more like Tibias where everyone gets loot and the very rare items are given randomly to people who have damage for X amount of damage.

----- CLASSES -----

Rangers are far too weak in all aspects and it shows more the higher you get.
You could do one of two things make them AOE like everything else (Hellish volley 2 second cooldown and increase the damage of it) this would require some defensive buffs as well to be able to take more monsters.
Make them more of a cleave damage class by increasing their richoet to 100% on second hit and dex/lethal hits 2-3 targets for the full damage

Shamans need some sort of AOE damage to keep up with the 2 other mage classes.

Paladins could use some thorn reflect damage.

The video is bad quality I will remake a better one tomorrow.
The Mage is level 363 with 3% physical resist and the Marksman is level 407 with 100+25 using a epic longbow. The Mage is 43 levels lower and hardly hitting lower than a Marksman's main source of damage.
Ragnarok Black

Level 99
30th October 2023 02:40:53

It's obvious that the Ranger and Shaman subclasses need an upgrade in spelled AOE
I recommend that strom ice be a 2s instant spell that has the same damage as the warlock's cross or 20% less damage than the cross and add the spell that the villumb uses for the shaman as the pyromancer's meteors but in blue

Level 200
30th October 2023 02:47:55

Your idea is good but the problem will not give way like that because when monsters are promoted the toxicity of players exceeds the level yes they should be personal but apart from that the community should also be active and ban those responsible because otherwise they will come to screw you anyway the cave to steal loot or that the opposing players may not make the same amount of exp to only bother until the GAME MASTER bans them permanently or imposes a new ban law such as suspending the players from the game for a whole month ( XP DELICIA) they won't stop bothering you because they live off of that, unfortunately they were born with that mental disability, they don't achieve anything by playing for themselves, it depends on bots, macro, payment services for leveling up, etc. and the list goes on and on and each new server is what The problem itself is the community and the GAME MASTER should be more active and ban those responsible easily.

the king hands.
Ragnarok Black

Level 99
30th October 2023 02:50:30

I have seen many problems with the pyromancer, the nerf they did to inferno, if you don't want a better personal spell again, I invite you to better the spell that improves the Heat Wave spell that is just as expansive as the warlock's cross but has 15% more damage and it is 2s

Level 125
30th October 2023 03:01:58 (Last edited 30th October 2023 05:45:45)

Quoting Perma Dead:
----- GENERAL -----

/Boosts being server wide causes KSing and all other kinds of problems./
With the current increase in KSing happening when someone boosts, as I've suggested before I think it would be for the better to make the boosts something personal with a pause function. This is due to KSing but also if someone else boosts and you login with only 30 minutes left you have to wait 1 hour 30 to hunt those monsters and with how imbalanced certain monsters and spawns are, there a very few good spawns to hunt.

/Current spawn design is making non AOE classes feel even worse than they already are./
With the current spawn design and recent spawn changes, classes which do not have a reliable AOE have fallen even further behind than they where to begin with.

/Skill system gap is far too wide./
The skill gap currently is far too wide making it hard to balance classes which heavly rely on those, as I've suggested before I would squish the current skills making the current highest down to 140~, this way you could have a skill system closer to Tibias where you get to the mid point 100-110 fairly quickly and it drops off from there.
Doing so would make it easier to balance as you would know the average skill level a character would have.

/World bosses/
Again these should be more like Tibias where everyone gets loot and the very rare items are given randomly to people who have damage for X amount of damage.

----- CLASSES -----

Rangers are far too weak in all aspects and it shows more the higher you get.
You could do one of two things make them AOE like everything else (Hellish volley 2 second cooldown and increase the damage of it) this would require some defensive buffs as well to be able to take more monsters.
Make them more of a cleave damage class by increasing their richoet to 100% on second hit and dex/lethal hits 2-3 targets for the full damage

Shamans need some sort of AOE damage to keep up with the 2 other mage classes.

Paladins could use some thorn reflect damage.

The video is bad quality I will remake a better one tomorrow.
The Mage is level 363 with 3% physical resist and the Marksman is level 407 with 100+25 using a epic longbow. The Mage is 43 levels lower and hardly hitting lower than a Marksman's main source of damage.

I Agree with ALL this.
Zezenia have to feel happy again to make the game bigger, we all have a good time and fun playing this. We'll know that we have many ppl here with good ideas and intentions for the game. It might be revised; In the best times It takes. :)

Level 19
30th October 2023 06:04:09 (Last edited 30th October 2023 06:08:42)


Shields could receive a new bonus stat named Damage Reflection between 1% and 15% of damage inflicted by monsters (not against players) giving back to monster the respective % of damage *before* discounted the others % of defensive stats and only working to monsters on 8 sqm around the character.

Just like rangers got for ranged weapons the Areal Attack as an unique bonus stat for them.

I mean something not overpower but enough to improve paladins gameplay and their main function which is centered on blocking.

Thus may be valid for a paladin blocks more than 5 creatures constantly even 8 creatures on solo hunts in case of his shield has this attribute on it.

So to make the best exp/h a paladin will need to hunt stronger monsters to also reflect more damage against them.

The % of Damage Reflection can be maximum (star) 5% for ordinary items, 10% epic items and 15% legendary items.



As a paladin can hunt very well in a party or solo i think the shamans must have equal independence to do that, however doing less exp without a warrior to improve their hunt.

Suggestion: Create a new wave spell but cooldown a bit higher than most attack spells - between 6s and 10s - to help on big lures of monsters however keeping shamans doing solo exp per hour below any other subclass.

Zezenia Online Forum Screenshot


Target Cursor

A simple change which could help also shamans with spell hailstorm and rangers with hellish volley is enable for both spells to be used by target cursor. For example: Like a player when using area runes (gfb, avalanche) to hunt in tibia.

This way facilitating the player to lure the mobs and gain more exp/h hitting easily more monsters when the spell is casted.

Because today rangers and shamans who use these spells select and attack one monster and wait for the others to stay close to the main target to hit all of them in the spell's range.

Pyromancer's meteor shower can be included too.

Zezenia Online Forum Screenshot


Other suggestions:

1) Pyromancers: Revert Fire Shield - 10% of negation of damage and 18% of damage drained from mana to 16% of negation of damage and 10% of damage drained from mana. Also Life Steal to 100% again.

2) Rangers: Ricochets could hit 100% on 3 monsters close to main target.

3) Quivers can't be enchanted and barbarians don't use shields. So Two handed weapons and Ranged weapons could have the double of maximum new bonus stats (6% experience boost, 6% loot boost, 6% stamina boost, 6% gold boost and 4% healing), considering that mages can enchant wands/sceptres and spell books and paladins can enchant one handed weapons and their shields.

King Healer

Level 1027
30th October 2023 16:18:08

What you said about the ranger and classes with lower strength aoe I agree. I've already talked in some posts about ranger, shaman and paladin.

They have to be changed to improve AOE hunting.