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12th December 2023 01:18:38 CM Mercury View post »
Artorias Abyss

Level 200
12th December 2023 13:56:08

Quoting CM Mercury:

I won't go through every post here. I'll just state that the new seasonal server (Cronus) is a mixed server which means that there are Non-PvP and PvP areas in the map. In the Non-PvP areas PVP actions are strictly prohibited whereas in the PvP areas PvP actions are allowed.


Well, since you say that, what could you do with the player Puui Tui, since he is a player who does not respect the boosts of other players by giving them ks in yahgan barbarian from new continent, a site that is a non-pvp zone, everyone reports and you don't do nothing, you just ignore it, that's why people go to another game.

-King Front-
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