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22nd January 2020 14:25:55 GM Shadow View post »

Level 937
19th January 2020 05:45:49

After the last update there were changes for the worse. A lot of people left and are playing another game.You should restore the next time you start the server back to normal flasks life steal - magic defense - defense.Too many players have lost because of it.There is no players to exp with TEAM.Before changes people was playung.You really don't see this ... ?
Beekz Teh Magician

Level 330
19th January 2020 08:05:58 (Last edited 19th January 2020 10:53:21)

Totally have to agree :smartass: stuff went from manageable into pain, maybe its their goal to destroy the rest of game? :O

Edit: Also to add i have noticed the stealth buff on monsters damage, is this the case? not to mention new raids.. just copied yeti raid? xD effort 11/10

Davidos Pl

Level 465
19th January 2020 08:58:46

Hi. I advise you, fix sweat to the previous state of the game from this tiny update. You need to give players new challenges, tasks of different types of content on their levels, and not just everything you cut the power of pot, loot from monsters. This is not a way to develop the game, but to make everyone leave it. Google translator. Regards.

Level 594
19th January 2020 09:08:39

Agree 8)

Change it :smartass:

Level 115
19th January 2020 11:30:20

+1, should be obvious that this needs to be changed...........

Level 504
19th January 2020 16:00:49


*Something that makes having premium cards always on sale too, very difficult to have premium cards to buy with gold,
*Encourage spoilers for the whole game on the fan sites,

I love zezenia I don't want him to die


Level 262
20th January 2020 09:31:39 (Last edited 20th January 2020 09:33:15)

for me, the changes for the worse started with a 25% loss on death, which is why I liked Zezenia, the game was stress-free it was about fun, doing 25% lasted in my case about 10 hours or 2-3 days of play, where's the logic? that's why I stopped hunting, I played many games, always where players are forced to make up for losses, sooner or later it's over
besides, Zezenia is completely invisible on the internet, you have to advertise, this is the only way to increase the number of players

Level 73
20th January 2020 13:29:25 (Last edited 20th January 2020 13:59:26)

Quoting Aspenpin:
for me, the changes for the worse started with a 25% loss on death, which is why I liked Zezenia, the game was stress-free it was about fun, doing 25% lasted in my case about 10 hours or 2-3 days of play, where's the logic? that's why I stopped hunting, I played many games, always where players are forced to make up for losses, sooner or later it's over
besides, Zezenia is completely invisible on the internet, you have to advertise, this is the only way to increase the number of players

You stopped hunting once they introduced fishing. Don't lie. You fish in every game you say you "play", just fish baby fish. Thats playng to you.

They have been advertising, on Otservlist, facebook, ive seen it, still till this day they are advertising. Its not that it's invisible on the internet, cause there has been ALOT of players in and out of this game , its simply just not attractive to new and existing players. Nothing has really changed that drastically in all these years.

This game I will agree, takes way to long to advance in anything. It becomes very demotivating mid game once player realize it takes days for skills to advance, takes days for 1 level. Its just not right. There is nothing exciting about grinding for 6 hours for 1 level.

A big problem is quests... You have all these hard quests in the game, in which the top players complete and kind of never do again. You have groups of people that play together (which is nice) but what about the people that play this game solo? You have to take into account of these players. The struggle being able to progress in the game solo i cant imagine. The playerbase in this game isnt big enough to revolve quests to be in such big groups to complete. The game isnt big enough for that.

So it seems you add these quests for the veterans of the game, they complete it and move on. All the vets of this game have been practically playing since the start.

This day in age in the gaming industry, we as gamers/players are not going to play a game where it takes as much effort as zezenia does to level or to progress. Where the game isnt even as remotely as popular as others that require the same "Grind" effect. Zezenia is not a big game and should not take the amount of time that it does to progress in it. To me everyone who plays this game/ trys it out, play then realize how long and tedious this game gets, thus giving you the same results in the online numbers for a very very long time now.

Clearly the staff must see their updates aren't solving their problems with playerbase. A new tactic should be revised and looked at very closely as to of where the staff is going wrong in regards to these updates. I just am confused as to of why there is no new playerbase after all these updates that are suppose to help/attract new players.
Are you guys taking in account that the game takes to long to progress or get anywhere? This i bet is the reason new people dont stay.

Premium Cards- Broken
Thus leaving the market broken.
Thus leaving those players who are "Free" players, unable to play. Now you are looking at a game where ONLY people who can BUY the premium cards can play this game.
Cant do tasks without premium cards, cant do anything without premium cards. Where are the premium cards? There is none. Cause the cap on market is 100k, even when there was no cap on cards, it was ATLEAST playable, players were able to obtain 150k gathering, or whatever they did, atleast they were able to get somewhere play and keep up with their premium at the very least. Now look xD now you have no p cards on market, free players cant play no more. everything is so premium card based. Shouldnt us having a premium account be enough? Why having the premium account but ALSO pay MORE cards for everything. We are literally paying to play this game.........

Level 15
20th January 2020 14:10:04 (Last edited 20th January 2020 14:18:01)

I agree with Blackweb, the game is sort of slow, especially if u solo which u may do if ur a new player. Elysium is very slow in progress and by this time several ppl are lvl.300+, that's what happens when games run for long.. but maybe make a decision of changing the xp table at lower levels atleast, that may motivate low lvls for a better character and give them the feelings of being high lvl doesnt take years and years. Elysium might be the server u wanna try first.

Also your points on prem cards is valid imo, don't take away premium cards, but don't make them such a MUST, and not so EARLY in the game.
When u find a new game.. u don't immediately start buying all their products cuz u haven't got anywhere in the game and decided if its fun/boring, in this game u need premium to get anywhere ("go afk train style if u can't afford cards.") - Yes, but is that FUN? i bet it's not, its so boring that u actually do quit.
it takes 100's of afk training hours for just a few skills xD! even in lower skill levels. This pushes ppl out of the game too.

To be honest, I we're one of those who did quit when i started for the first time. I tested the game solely due to the fact that it was tibia alike and i got tired of tibia, once i got here i immediately needed premium cards in order to train my warrior. I had no attention to buy cards either cuz i reached what? level 30? and i really felt dependent on cards and did quit the game.
It's just too hard for newcomers without teams and I bet they feel pretty forced towards cards, like I did.
In addition, new players don't know how to get safe cash like veterans do, now they get familiar by gathering while doing the tutorial, but i don't think they take into account that they are good market products and very in need of other players.

I decided to find ways around actually needing to buy cards so i started gathering cuz i found that as a way to be able to get cash to even play, and its easy for existing players to say "u can gather dude.. and get ur cards" - But, how can a new player even know gatherables are valuable? You just feel sort of stuck and discouraged when premium cards comes into action.
Still, it's not funny to gather half the day.
In addition, sometimes it can take days for u to get your gatherables sold - "lets take a one week break, i may have cash t play by then" - NOT an attractive thought.

Ppl seem to love the game when they dont have to worry about cards, when they have passed the barriers of not being able to afford cards. They start doing profit hunts etc. and your no longer "forced" to anything.
I don't like using the term "forced" cuz you could actually grind your ass off to play, but there's NO FUN in that, I bet that's the thing to acknowledge here.

Level 698
20th January 2020 15:09:16

People are really leaving Zezenia to play other kind of games or the recently lauched MMO called Bloodstone. I'm like a Zezenia fan and I won't quit the game for any other else, but staff should look forward to listen to its active community more in some cases. Players are kind of loyal to the game here from what I can see. Retro games with hard grinding, specially 2D ones, are not very attractive to the young gamer/player, and I also believe that overpopulation, like everywhere, may ruin the game at some point. In my opinion, staff should not have made those big changes on potions buffs, justly because the game has such a small community that people have to make their advances alone, and all these defense potions is like a tool to allow players to keep progressing even on solo style. When you see the top level player and some others active players complaining about a recent change, it's worth reviewing concepts.
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