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11th March 2020 20:27:06 Administration View post »

Level 576
14th March 2020 10:59:41

Quoting Administration:
Our apologies for the inconvenience. It would be very helpful if a crash dump of the crash could be obtained. We have been unable to reproduce any crashes on our side and don't have any dump to go on at this time.

In addition, if you are experiencing issues please make sure that you are running the latest optional update to the client. Steam players have received this patch automatically.

Zezenia Staff

How am i supposed to crash dump? I am not using the crash dump client.
I never crashed or lagged before... it was only a one 1 timer for me.. 2 deaths in 2 minutes ish.

Ill be using crash dump client now but i would still like to get my experience and blessings back.
I've send u a email with details.
Would like to hear from you.

Level 472
14th March 2020 11:41:55 (Last edited 14th March 2020 11:51:26)

Crash Dump Registry File

You need to download this file and double-click it.
A folder called "ZezeniaDumps" will be created in "Application Data folder for Zezenia."
A crash dump is a registry file, NOT a client.

You only need to have the crash reproduce itself.
To do this, double-click the currently downloaded file or right-click>>> and "Run" it.
When the crash re-produces itself, proceed to send an email to support.

To do this, you send an email to support@zezeniaonline.com from your ZezeniaDumps folder (inside APPDATA folder)
Upon receiving a detailed report of your crash, will you then be compensated for death.

In the past, so many Brazilian Team members along with others abused compensation rights and lied.
A consequence of this is measures taken to assure it does not happen, again.
Ultimately, proof is now necessary to provide proper compensation.
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