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As we have mentioned before, the next update will feature an expansion to Aranagua. The new tribal area is called Kpunda, and it is inhabited by a small yet fearsome community of Aranaguan natives, called the Yahgans. The Yahgans are not completely regular monsters, but rather possess some different capabilities. See below for a sneak peek of the new area and the natives that are generally not found alone but rather in small packs. In total the update should bring in 8 new monsters plus 1 new boss.

Furthermore, the Culthan Ruins will be turned into a more ruins-looking area. At the same time we are abandoning the player housing there, so if you are currently renting your house in Culthan Ruins, please abandon your house before the end of November. We will be giving a little compensation to those owners later on.

Zezenia Online Forum Screenshot
Zezenia Online Forum Screenshot

The targeted release date for this update is early December.

If you haven't already, make sure you have read our two other teaser posts as well. You can find them here and here.

Zezenia Online Staff
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