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The Test Server is now closed. Thanks for your participation! Here is a sneak peek at upcoming content:

Cursor Spells

Cursor Spells allow players to aim areal spells using the mouse. The area of effect for each spell is drawn over the map tiles.

Hellish Volley, Meteor Shower & Hailstorm have been converted to cursor spells on the Test Server. Let us know what you think!

Creature Tooltips

Creature tooltips display relevant information about a hovered player, pet or monster.

Zezenia Online Forum Screenshot

The visibility of tooltips can now be toggled in the settings by item, monster & player type individually.

Balancing Changes Round II

Buffed damage of Cleave. Added reduced Cleave damage behind the player.

Buffed damage of Mortal Melody. Mortal Melody now heals players in range.

Buffed Precision.

Extended the area of Hellish Volley.

Reduced Traps cooldown to 16 seconds from 18 seconds.

Fixed Critical Continuum to 100% of hits.

Test Server utilities

As always, the Test Server NPC can be found in the Ellaria depot to switch classes, level up or teleport to various bosses.

Full Changelog

- Added Creature Tooltips on hover to players, pets and monsters. Tooltips show a creature's health & a player or pet's level, owner and guild.
- Added new tooltip toggles by Items, Monsters & Players to the game settings.
- Made a quiver of nature, a deadly quiver, a noble Zezenian quiver, a vanguard quiver, a devilish quiver Enchantable.
- Reduced prices of Enchanting Locks.
- Improved the shop buy/sell list layout to display inventory items first.
- Added shops that an item can be purchased from to the Item Library.
- Made it possible to double click a character in the login screen to log in.
- Made it possible to double click an item offer in the shop & premium shop list to buy or sell.
- Made it possible to double click a pet in the pet library to spawn.
- Disabled the right click menu by default (formerly "classic right click").
- Added new CTRL + right click options to other players: Add as friend, Add as foe, Invite to party & Invite to trade.
- Enabled the hover cursor by default.
- Slightly reduced the rate of luck potions dropped by elite monsters. Restricted luck potions to monsters with 1000 or more experience points.
- The same raid can no longer occur twice in a row.
- Fixed Looter & Collector achievement progress display between 0% and 100% not working.
- Fixed Ben Qarassih Catacombs raid not dropping dynamic equipment.
- Fixed incorrect scrollbar sizing when filtering in certain dialogs.
- Fixed a possible client crash.

Zezenia Staff
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