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2nd November 2021 21:50:34 Administration View post »
Cosmodian Devil

Level 10
4th November 2021 16:38:36

You guys need to stop assuming who is who. Sheesh.

Level 265
5th November 2021 08:00:00

This dude of ely destroyed this both kids lmfaooo
Ht Savage

Level 385
5th November 2021 12:54:24 (Last edited 5th November 2021 12:56:22)

Dear everyone,

I've been inactive for quite some time, recently came back and have been playing on my paladin Agron. For many years from the start of Everath till i retired from Pharos I was always the highest level and part leader of the dominating team. The so claimed ruler of zezenia "Caste" was always under my wing until I've quit, will he ever admit it? I doubt it, I got tons of videos to show he lost every time he faced Me.

During times we quit he contiued leveling and indeed ruled Pharos since then. During the seasonal server Titan, Wyhualxz/Lawxz their team and my squad dominated Titan (we have been an good and dominating alliance since Everath"). After Titan my team was pretty much inactive and wyhualxz+lawxz single handedly beat the "Undisputed rulers of Pharos aka Caste"

Wyhualxz's/Lawxz's their team might have had a hard time but they didnt quit, didnt give up and can proudly say they are the new rulers of Pharos.

"BuT I,i,i sOLd mY cHarActEr, iTs nOt FaIr pls" becomes irrelevant. You would've lost regardless and currently you got the most out of your character which is probably the smartest thing you've done in a while.

I will be paying Atlas, and after Atlas everyone is welcome in a new era of Pharos where there is no Powerabuse and no toxic behaviours.

Edit; I wont be replying to any other posts and I will see the good peoples in Atlast/Pharos!

Yours sincerely,


Level 472
5th November 2021 13:13:23 (Last edited 5th November 2021 13:14:22)

Quoting Ht Savage:
I will be paying Atlas

Merc For Hire
You know the drill...
A chimichanga a day allows the Deadpool to play!
(Spider man, takes money usually though :\)

Zezenia Online Forum Screenshot

Level 342
5th November 2021 14:14:01 (Last edited 5th November 2021 14:17:19)

Clownfiesta:You guys are good at hiding and exp then fight 10 vs 3.

At least you admit, they are good players 8)
Project Pete

Level 74
5th November 2021 17:41:30

Began playing on server Pharos after a long break after playing and gaining to nearly level 100. if you partake in any kind of pvp on this server you will 100% be hunted off by Lawxz and his crew me and my irl friend have been claimed to be Dennis & his friend we are currently unable to even leave pz without players 3-500 levels highler just 1 shotting us! keep up the good work!

Level 38
5th November 2021 18:10:22

Quoting Project Pete:
Began playing on server Pharos after a long break after playing and gaining to nearly level 100. if you partake in any kind of pvp on this server you will 100% be hunted off by Lawxz and his crew me and my irl friend have been claimed to be Dennis & his friend we are currently unable to even leave pz without players 3-500 levels highler just 1 shotting us! keep up the good work!

You are random pk. You and ur friends are not welcome in Pharos.
Zezenia Online Forum Screenshot
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