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2nd November 2021 21:50:34 Administration View post »
Tokan Sado

Level 1039
1st November 2021 01:19:43

Not to mention that the pvp madness that happened in titan was due to ben qarassih being too good to lvl up and the fact that u could die 10 times in 1 day and 2 days later u would be over it, on 4x people will be a way more cautious and nobody will fight to claim ice lands, since nobody hunts there, the only time i step in bersund is either to get a task from osvald or to do a kill task on icy terrors/chenoo.

Level 345
1st November 2021 02:29:13 (Last edited 1st November 2021 03:07:59)

Okay after reading some posts, and careful thinking...

I'd have to agree, the rates are low for a seasonal server. If this was a permanent server sure the rates make sense as stated above. Maybe put a poll with set rate types for the community to choose and vote on. This would be a better alternative in my eyes.

1) Your stated rates 4x to 250, and 2x there after.
2) I like the 5x to 500 and 3x there after idea.
3)Just run 10x again but make it 2x at 600+ instead of 700 this time.
4)Complete staged experience rates? 1-100=10x, 101-200=8x, 201-500=6x, 500-600=4x, 601+=2x (just example, could possibly work?)
5) 1-500=6x, 501-600=4x, 601+=2x
6) 1-600=8x, 601+=2x
7) Make this a permanent server with your mentioned rates, still giving rewards to the winners of each category at the end. This is a good time to make a "Dump" server for seasonal characters to go to in the future.
8)Any other idea but # 1)

Yes I get some of these options can be absolutely horrible ideas. Im just throwing things out there and giving some ideas on how to increase this slow rate seasonal server.

Even adding rotating PvP areas , would be more beneficial to any rate decided.
Ben qarassih makes the most sense to have PvP. But if you want to meet half way, rotate them atleast weekly or every other week please =) (Ice Islands and Ben Qarassih and the Jungle).

Level 767
1st November 2021 03:38:37

I dont agree with this seasonal, XP rate should be more than 4x ,like 5x everty time... why would i drop pharos to play a 2x server? and bersund pvp is bad idea, there are no good places to hunt in bersund and there would be no pvp.
Tokan Sado

Level 1039
1st November 2021 05:57:59

Quoting Madcap:
Okay after reading some posts, and careful thinking...

I'd have to agree, the rates are low for a seasonal server. If this was a permanent server sure the rates make sense as stated above. Maybe put a poll with set rate types for the community to choose and vote on. This would be a better alternative in my eyes.

1) Your stated rates 4x to 250, and 2x there after.
2) I like the 5x to 500 and 3x there after idea.
3)Just run 10x again but make it 2x at 600+ instead of 700 this time.
4)Complete staged experience rates? 1-100=10x, 101-200=8x, 201-500=6x, 500-600=4x, 601+=2x (just example, could possibly work?)
5) 1-500=6x, 501-600=4x, 601+=2x
6) 1-600=8x, 601+=2x
7) Make this a permanent server with your mentioned rates, still giving rewards to the winners of each category at the end. This is a good time to make a "Dump" server for seasonal characters to go to in the future.
8)Any other idea but # 1)

Yes I get some of these options can be absolutely horrible ideas. Im just throwing things out there and giving some ideas on how to increase this slow rate seasonal server.

Even adding rotating PvP areas , would be more beneficial to any rate decided.
Ben qarassih makes the most sense to have PvP. But if you want to meet half way, rotate them atleast weekly or every other week please =) (Ice Islands and Ben Qarassih and the Jungle).

Ya ideas #2 or #4 are the ones that makes more sense to me, also agree that if you are not making ben qarassih the land to fight for, at least rotate it, even the jungle is a way better than ice island (i get it that you want to promote the new dungeon and features, but you'd have to work on it in many levels before doing it)

Level 118
1st November 2021 08:35:46


I wonder why people still Play lmao.

Make new pernament server or 20x pvp enfo whole map with exp for player.

I dont see any point of playing when 90% of map is non pvp.

Level 311
1st November 2021 10:13:38 (Last edited 1st November 2021 10:16:38)

I think first and foremost what Veeti needs to realise is these seasonal servers are made up by existing players (Big majority I would say).
The rest of what I'm about to write is under the assumption this is true.

If the majority of people already play the two existing servers, that means this seasonal HAS to be quicker than just starting again on said servers.
If I start on Pharos today and play for FOUR months and start on the seasonal server and play for FOUR months,
playing the seasonal server HAS to have an advantage otherwise, why would I waste my time?
I would also bet that I would easily surpass the seasonal character, because things like ECO, current supplies, spawn availability, equipment and friends play a HUGE role
in how quick you can exp.
Currently it's 4x till 250 and 2x after that, but in the case of a new server comparing it to Pharos it's not actually quicker because of the things mentioned above.

You cannot have a SLOW seasonal server which merges with existing servers because then you have a comparison to make,
If this was a permanent server then I can 100% get behind these rates.

Last seasonal you had soooo much feedback given in terms of rotating the PvP-E areas weekly/biweekly, things about the starting zones, spawn rates etc.
It seems like none of that was read.
What you have to realise is even though you THINK you know better, you're not the one playing and paying to play this game. (Take some suggestions every now and then, there is a reason the game is small)

You also have another problem that on the last seasonal server the Noble coin price STARTED at 85k each, meaning the new bestiary system will not be used for a long time.
This again makes Pharos a better choice as being able to reduce mobs hp/increase enraged, elites/+25% exp. Adds to the EXP difference.

I also bet that the current issue with the starting area hasn't been solved for the upcoming seasonal (The starting quests make you do the noob dungeons, where there is only ONE instance(people will block)).

// 1. People playing the new server are big majority existing players

// 2. If it's not a permanent server it needs to be quicker than just playing current servers.

// 3. Take all the feedback and make the PvP-E place rotate biweekly

// 4. Reduce the min price for noble coins

// 5. New starting questline has bottleneck issues
Super Man

Level 362
1st November 2021 16:21:51

I tried to create an account on the new server, I searched for 3 names, there is none of them created, and I can't put any of them in! This happened with a name, and after a month, there was a player who managed to put the name that I had tried and failed! (Asgard)

Blood Flare

Level 215
1st November 2021 16:36:12

And what is the advantage of stopping on the server in which current game to play with these xp rates? without even knowing how the adjustments will be, I was excited to play, but 4x, no thanks

Level 345
1st November 2021 16:39:49 (Last edited 1st November 2021 16:39:55)

Please @Admin/Staff, fix these rates :(

Allow us to vote on a few rates you may have in mind or something. These rates are not good for a seasonal at all :(
King Healer

Level 1101
1st November 2021 18:47:58 (Last edited 1st November 2021 18:48:47)

Quoting Deadpool:
Now I'm not saying I'm Superman, but when is the last time you saw
Superman and Deadpool in the same room together?

Zezenia Online Forum Screenshot

i'm Aquaman.
Zezenia Online Forum Screenshot
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