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3rd April 2023 14:30:55 CM Mercury View post »
Jaroslaw Kaczynski

Level 20
2nd April 2023 07:11:03

Its a joke? Got 101 skill, after 50%+ training bar hit 10% skill. Now it will take years to improve skills

Level 999
2nd April 2023 11:06:19

"Capped the maximum Magic Resistance % gained from equipment to 35%."

There are some questions about it: so if I have 10% magic res from talents and on stats window it shows 34% magic res, it means I have 10% from talents and 24% from eq. So can I push it to 45% - 10% from talents and 35% from eq?
And on top of that 6% from magic res potion, which isnt shown on stats window.
Am I correct?

Level 601
2nd April 2023 11:18:24

Quoting Waldemaro:

Im play in Holland

Zezenia Online Forum Screenshot

I still can't walk.
So i go back to vpn express proxy.
i'm disappointed that i will still have to pay vpn and lose my potions every time i get kicked out of the game.
I already reported this bug with disappearing life steal potions, lucy potions. Fix it after all, the server kicks me out a lot and I lose a lot of potions.

the culprit here was the router. I replaced it today with another one and it's working fine now
Jaroslaw Kaczynski

Level 20
2nd April 2023 11:19:51

Quoting Waldemaro:
Quoting Waldemaro:

Im play in Holland

Zezenia Online Forum Screenshot

I still can't walk.
So i go back to vpn express proxy.
i'm disappointed that i will still have to pay vpn and lose my potions every time i get kicked out of the game.
I already reported this bug with disappearing life steal potions, lucy potions. Fix it after all, the server kicks me out a lot and I lose a lot of potions.

the culprit here was the router. I replaced it today with another one and it's working fine now

Thanks for info, i will try it.

Level 601
2nd April 2023 14:24:22

I went back to my old router.
So it wasn't the router's fault. just today the changes made Europe proxy works amazing problems with the internet connection have disappeared. Great job staff.

Level 729
2nd April 2023 14:29:28 (Last edited 2nd April 2023 14:39:51)

14h21 UTC, Elysium crashed.

Zezenia Online Forum Screenshot

Just in case we all die without compensations ....

Level 601
2nd April 2023 14:35:26

As for the update, great job.
This will surely attract a lot of new players.
Tokan Sado

Level 1005
2nd April 2023 15:13:13 (Last edited 2nd April 2023 15:52:50)

Regarding the update, I tested the new enchantments and the daily boss on the test server, but I only did partial hunts there. However, I've already completed some full hunts on the live server.

Firstly, I want to congratulate you on the update. It's well done for the most part, and I haven't seen anything like it since my return to Zezenia in Titan. I'm excited for future updates, and I hope you keep up the good work.

New Daily Boss
The boss is pretty balanced, and my party and I have found it challenging and enjoyable at different levels. However, the boss mechanics are simpler than some huntable bosses, and I would like to see more puzzles, various types of damage, or summons in future updates.

Enchant Forge (related to the boss topic as it requires boss materials)
I think it's too easy to obtain the Enchant Forge.

I made a topic about it, but nevermind, you've already made it harder. Good job, guys.

Random Attributes on Ordinary Items
The randomness of loot attributes is getting out of hand. I've found items that are way better than what we considered best in slot just a week ago, such as Thorny Gauntlets with +4 magic resistance, or another pair with +5 physical resistance, and rings with attribute bonuses over +3.

I believe that any item dropped with random attributes should be rare, with epic-tier being ultra-rare. Currently, 80% of the items dropped have random attributes, and 5% have epic tiers. I suggest lowering the random attributes to 3-5%, and the epic chance to 0.5% or even less.

Respawn Increased
Increasing the respawn timers is a good initiative, but it's not enough. I know my level range isn't the average level in the game, but my party (Wyhualxz, Shadowzin, and sometimes Kiridinho) and I can easily break most respawns in the game. We even tried the full Ice Throwers cave and the bear cave, and we broke them as well. Yesterday, we tried the increased Templar respawn, and we broke it too.

Zezenia has been based on low-level team parties or solo hunters for a long time, but now, many people are doing mid-level and high-level parties. So we need new packed hunts.

My suggestion is to decrease the respawn timers by at least 30 seconds, or increase the number of mobs in the respawns.

We also need new hunts for higher levels as soon as possible. Although we are not the average level in the game, most active players are level 500+ even in Elysium.

Please allow us to turn off the yellow and purple background on our items, as it's ugly.
Allow us to check the time left for the daily boss in the repeatable quests on the quest log.
Allow us to check how many ores we have.
Allow us to check how many ice and jungle dungeons we have completed on the mastering dungeons quest log.

Regarding the new training system
I must say that I personally don't like it. The old system was much simpler, and it only took me about three hunts to get to 100% training. With the new system, training at 50% doesn't seem to give much progress on the skill bar. If you want to increase the number of players who are training, I suggest that you allow the avatar to remain online during offline training. This would enable more than 100 players to be online on each server. Additionally, I recommend adding training areas to other cities as well.

Old Bosses
Currently, the old spawnable bosses are forgotten and mostly useless, except for Wany and Bliatheroth. Most of them don't drop any useful items, and the 12-minute respawn timer is a nuisance since there's no decent hunting area around them.

My suggestion is to make them daily bosses as well, increase the loot rate, and add silver and zezenium ores to their drops. This way, people can do boss rotations, and if they don't get big loots, they can still get some useful stuff


Level 342
2nd April 2023 16:22:52 (Last edited 2nd April 2023 17:24:45)

Hello my friend :smartass:

Quoting Tokan Sado:

Please allow us to turn off the yellow and purple background on our items, as it's ugly.
Allow us to check the time left for the daily boss in the repeatable quests on the quest log.
Allow us to check how many ores we have.
Allow us to check how many ice and jungle dungeons we have completed on the mastering dungeons quest log.

I'd also add here the option to see if a dropped item/gold is from luck/equipment when pet is enabled. And maybe also a specific tab to see loot, apart from that log mess

Quoting Tokan Sado:

Old Bosses
Currently, the old spawnable bosses are forgotten and mostly useless, except for Wany and Bliatheroth. Most of them don't drop any useful items, and the 12-minute respawn timer is a nuisance since there's no decent hunting area around them.

I'd love to see that! <3
Captain Fuzzy Piddle

Level 209
2nd April 2023 19:07:07

Boss Coolodown Bugged? Loot Menu Gone? idk
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