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14th November 2023 19:14:37 CM Mercury View post »
17th November 2023 15:27:50 CM Mercury View post »
17th November 2023 17:29:21 CM Mercury View post »

Level 200
16th November 2023 13:13:03

Quoting Shadowzin:
Quoting Briareu:
Can any staff member remove those Luisvasquez comments? its just awful and offensive.

He's seeking attention, just ignore him

He had a miserable childhood in Venezuela, and now he needs to prove himself every day that he's no longer in misery. He thinks he's better than everyone else now

I feel very sad about this situation. I've offered help, but he doesn't listen. Tomorrow might be too late


offer help? What help can I accept from a sick person who doesn't know anything about my life, doesn't know everything I have since before I was born, thinks my life is miserable hahaha and doesn't know anything about it except that he envies me because a Venezuelan has much more than that he will have his whole life only talking for the sake of talking, what can we expect from a person who only watches pornography on Telegram lives believing that he is the best and it doesn't reach my toes, that's why with my small team we win server and so on we always He only goes back to looking for a trap in every game because he hasn't come to anything and neither will the easy way, Gustavo always chooses, that's why he is nothing more than a failure who doesn't know what to do and the only thing he does when connecting is say everything bem passing fome? mature, he has no more conversational argument because clearly his education was never complete, poor boy who lacks attention, experienced trauma because Amanda died and clearly suffered from a regrettable mental disorder. The truth is, seek help, it is necessary.

Level 905
16th November 2023 16:30:16

Quoting Zimbz:
Just host in Canada. Problem Solved.
Dont tell me you have issues when servers are in Canada too...
Ive seen 1000+ brazilians play private servers hosted in Canada over years and years, and have them literally say there is next to no issues. Connectivity wise.
I dont have explanations why Canadian hosted servers seem to have better ping/connectivity for Brazilians then American servers do, just from experience, Canadian servers have seem to be the middle grounds for people. Even Europeans played Canadian servers just fine.

Its a solution for everyone :)
Host in Canada so ALL races and ethnicities can play.

If you host in South America (Brazil) only Brazilians can play.
Thats not wanting a solution for everyone @Shadowzin
I do understand your side of things at the same time though, I wont argue your ping is bad.
But lets give real solutions instead of one sided one. Where your side, it actually only helps Brazilians hosting a server in SA. Doesnt truly help out everyone. and anyone new to come either.

Whether it's in Canada, Africa, Egypt, I just want to play without lag
CM Mercury
Community Manager

17th November 2023 15:27:50 (Last edited 17th November 2023 17:33:39)


I'm just going to ignore the 4 pages of messages for now. A 150 ping is quite normal as I stated, that is from the European perspective. The server is hosted in NA, which means European players have the furthest distance to the server in general.

The distance is what causes ping, it has nothing to do with the upload or download speed. Also in general your cities infrastructure has a whole lot to do with your ping. If you're playing with a connection using old copper wires that are long, it will take a longer time for the data to transfer. This is something we can not improve.

A 50ms(one 20th of a second) ping difference should not be a game changer in either PVP nor PVE. If you are having a higher ping, please try the provided proxies that are built in the game client.

Best regards
Thoma Noteokool

Level 161
17th November 2023 16:19:45 (Last edited 17th November 2023 16:35:17)

Quoting CM Mercury:

I'm just going to ignore the 4 pages of messages for now. A 150 ping is quite normal as I stated, that is from the European perspective. The server is hosted in NA, which means European players have the furthest distance to the server in general.

The distance is what causes ping, it has nothing to do with the upload or download speed. Also the general your cities infrastructure has a whole lot to do with your ping. If you're playing with a connection using old copper wires that are long, it will take a longer time for the data to transfer. This is something we can not improve.

A 50ms(one 20th of a second) ping difference should not be a game changer in either PVP nor PVE. If you are having a higher ping, please try the provided proxies that are built in the game client.

Best regards

I disagree with your statement about 'A 50ms(one 20th of a second) ping difference should not be a game changer in either PVP nor PVE.' when a player reaches a high level. At higher levels, character speed becomes crucial, and even a small difference like 10ms or 20ms can make a considerable impact. I suggest conducting a test between yourself and a player with a 20 to 50ms difference, particularly using high-level characters.

Additionally, running with arrow keys or ASDW keys provides more control over the character compared to clicking on the map, which introduces a certain delay when the character collides with objects on the map and has a small delay before resuming movement to the point clicked on the map.

A specific example illustrating this difference is a YouTube video featuring the player Godlike, level 800 or close to it at the time, who can't even shake off attackers. In the video, only one player attacking him is level 600+, while all the others are level 600-. It becomes clear when watching the video that he struggles to escape from the players, but his speed is limited by the ping.

Thoma Noteokool

Level 161
17th November 2023 16:20:02 (Last edited 17th November 2023 16:23:15)


Level 905
17th November 2023 16:32:32

Quoting CM Mercury:

I'm just going to ignore the 4 pages of messages for now. A 150 ping is quite normal as I stated, that is from the European perspective. The server is hosted in NA, which means European players have the furthest distance to the server in general.

The distance is what causes ping, it has nothing to do with the upload or download speed. Also the general your cities infrastructure has a whole lot to do with your ping. If you're playing with a connection using old copper wires that are long, it will take a longer time for the data to transfer. This is something we can not improve.

A 50ms(one 20th of a second) ping difference should not be a game changer in either PVP nor PVE. If you are having a higher ping, please try the provided proxies that are built in the game client.

Best regards

How does the PvP not change? Any European level 500 runs much faster than me... Have you seen the size of Brazil? I live in the capital of Rio de Janeiro, have the best possible internet, foreign proxies don't work in your game, and even your proxy doesn't work

Level 905
17th November 2023 16:38:55

I want you to explain to me why no Brazilian can run as fast as them?

I await your response
CM Mercury

Level 197
17th November 2023 17:04:59

Quoting CM Mercury:

I'm just going to ignore the 4 pages of messages for now. A 150 ping is quite normal as I stated, that is from the European perspective. The server is hosted in NA, which means European players have the furthest distance to the server in general.

The distance is what causes ping, it has nothing to do with the upload or download speed. Also the general your cities infrastructure has a whole lot to do with your ping. If you're playing with a connection using old copper wires that are long, it will take a longer time for the data to transfer. This is something we can not improve.

A 50ms(one 20th of a second) ping difference should not be a game changer in either PVP nor PVE. If you are having a higher ping, please try the provided proxies that are built in the game client.

Best regards

"A 50ms(one 20th of a second) ping difference should not be a game changer in either PVP nor PVE.". Have you ever played pvp? A 50ms ping makes a huge difference in pvp, mostly in 1x1, when we have to "win" the sqm from our opponent.
CM Mercury
Community Manager

17th November 2023 17:29:21 (Last edited 17th November 2023 17:36:44)


In terms of PVP or PVE a 50 ms difference is still a 20th of a second difference. That doesn't change the fact that a 50 ms difference is still one 20th of a second. In terms of arrow clicks it will add up eventually which would lead to a player being slower when using arrow keys to walk for sure (1s per 50key strokes in an ideal situation). Using map clicks same lvl characters have the same speed no matter where they are playing from. I would like to kindly disagree with some of you but you have the first person oversight of this issue so I'm not going to argue over it.

Quoting Melatonino:

"A 50ms(one 20th of a second) ping difference should not be a game changer in either PVP nor PVE.". Have you ever played pvp? A 50ms ping makes a huge difference in pvp, mostly in 1x1, when we have to "win" the sqm from our opponent.

This is a valid point I agree.

The client and the connection between the client and servers is the issue you're talking about I assume. This might be an issue now that players have reached such high levels, I doubt this has been fixed in a while. We can check the client to server refresh rate to get a better response time for players using keyboard strokes to walk for sure.

Best Regards
Ragnarok Black

Level 99
17th November 2023 19:50:06

Quoting Thoma Noteokool:
Quoting CM Mercury:

I'm just going to ignore the 4 pages of messages for now. A 150 ping is quite normal as I stated, that is from the European perspective. The server is hosted in NA, which means European players have the furthest distance to the server in general.

The distance is what causes ping, it has nothing to do with the upload or download speed. Also the general your cities infrastructure has a whole lot to do with your ping. If you're playing with a connection using old copper wires that are long, it will take a longer time for the data to transfer. This is something we can not improve.

A 50ms(one 20th of a second) ping difference should not be a game changer in either PVP nor PVE. If you are having a higher ping, please try the provided proxies that are built in the game client.

Best regards

I disagree with your statement about 'A 50ms(one 20th of a second) ping difference should not be a game changer in either PVP nor PVE.' when a player reaches a high level. At higher levels, character speed becomes crucial, and even a small difference like 10ms or 20ms can make a considerable impact. I suggest conducting a test between yourself and a player with a 20 to 50ms difference, particularly using high-level characters.

Additionally, running with arrow keys or ASDW keys provides more control over the character compared to clicking on the map, which introduces a certain delay when the character collides with objects on the map and has a small delay before resuming movement to the point clicked on the map.

A specific example illustrating this difference is a YouTube video featuring the player Godlike, level 800 or close to it at the time, who can't even shake off attackers. In the video, only one player attacking him is level 600+, while all the others are level 600-. It becomes clear when watching the video that he struggles to escape from the players, but his speed is limited by the ping.


It is obvious that they look fast because of the editing of the video that makes the character move faster. Anyone in their five senses understands that or do you want it explained to you with Apple?
I don't think that in Venezuela we have better internet than Brazil since I go to 110ms and max 150ms and when I enter the cave it goes up to 200ms max 250ms because my PC is already old and is already asking for rest
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