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29th March 2018 13:53:20 GM Quillon View post »
29th March 2018 14:04:10 GM Quillon View post »
29th March 2018 17:14:00 GM Quillon View post »
29th March 2018 23:25:21 GM Quillon View post »
30th March 2018 14:46:11 GM Quillon View post »
30th March 2018 15:19:19 GM Quillon View post »
30th March 2018 16:13:56 GM Quillon View post »

Level 720
29th March 2018 21:14:19 (Last edited 29th March 2018 21:14:47)

Before Update:
Zezenia Online Forum Screenshot

After Update:
Zezenia Online Forum Screenshot

Level 949
29th March 2018 21:17:20

Zezenia has officially been ruined . GG while it lasted friends and enemies

Level 317
29th March 2018 21:18:02

Nice that they upped crit on quiver for non pvp, in pvp-worlds we need magic ress as there is no balance at all between classes.
King Rabbe

Level 440
29th March 2018 21:57:45

i think these test server could check to double the damage for lvl to warriors rangers so they can bit buffed since lot of people say they need a bit of buff up idk the rate of damage per lvl at dmg of meelee and distance figth but could check if like 20 damage each 100 lvls? try double it to 40 damage?
Biell Griffin

Level 256
29th March 2018 22:33:06

Guys plz stop boring KZ, to mush pressure, is just a test server, the game is all about us, players, if everybody is saying no... do u really think KZ is going to put???? so plz stop boring, if u dont agree just say it.... Stop say them zezenia is done blablabla....OMG!

Level 362
29th March 2018 22:48:39 (Last edited 29th March 2018 22:49:10)

The biggest problem this game has is that one class if terribly balanced. That's a mage.

There is a case where a mage is both super tanky and super weak. Mage barely make damage on other mages (being weak), on the other side mage can block a lot of magic damage (being tanky). Gms couldn't fix it after i told them what is wrong in formula and I am not sure how many times I will have to repeat. Funny that me who never saw a formula understand why its not balanced more than those who have all the formulas in front of them in a notepad. When this is unbalanced, many new features were created but they can't fix it because the most important thing is in that magic resistance formula line. This makes magic resistance eq more needed than any others (especially on a mage).

You realise that if mage could hit another mage more, then they would be not that weak when damaging other mages and not that strong when tanking everyone?

New spells a little absurd. I won't say what should be dismissed as people already showed how unhappy they are about majority of spells, but I would like to say what I picked up and what could be modified and added:

New arrows/bolts. Ofc mages no need to make them, and we already don't have enough hotkeys for such spells. There could be new bolts/arrows which would work for any quiver, they could cost more and they could make more damage. I would say bolt could cost 8-10gp instead of 2 and it would make 5% more damage. Yes it would make rangers a lot more expensive for not a huge boost. But people could choose. Because now when you add something theres no choose, theres only 1 correct decision. Because if you would make 5gp per arrow and it would make 20% more dmg, ofc everyone would use 5gp arrows.
And of course damage can scale a little bit more on level. Maybe instead of 0.15dmg per lvl they could gain 0.25dmg/lvl.

All the changes should be small because big changes makes new imbalances. F.e. Shaman buff... They had +40% hp and heal like every other mage. It was like that for years. Now you make it +50% hp, 10% magic resistance and better heal than other mages. Can you imagine how HUGE change is that? Let me say once again, that's not balancing, that's making new imbalances. And the first mistake in a formula balances OP shaman buff with pyro/warlock old buffs because eq magic resist helps pyros/warlocks more. For the last time i explain what's wrong with the formula.

"Once they add something without thinking twice it makes it super hard to fix. Fixes have to be complex. Some changes help some people more than the others. For example magic resistance eq. You could think all get 1 2 3 or 20%. So its same for all. But according to my tests - its not.

Normaly received pvp damage is calculated by negating dmg from different places.

F.e. 400 lvl warrior/ranger who have 20% magic resistance eq receives dmg from mage, who hits 1000 on monster:
Received dmg = 1000* 0.75*0.8 = 600
Where 0.75 is 25%pvp reduction and 0.8 is 20% magic resistance from eq

400lvl warlock with same eq will receive:
Received dmg = 1000 * 0.75*0.5*(1-(0..2+0.3))= 187.5
Where 0.5 is natural magic resistance (formula is magic resistance = (lvl+m lvl)/950) so at lvl 400 and m lvl 75 mage have 50% magic resistance
0.2 is 20% eq magic resistance and it adds up with warlock absorbing aura which is 30%
I found out that buff stacks with eq so in warlock case it adds to 50%.

Same lvl shaman will receive:
Received dmg = 1000 * 0.75 * 0.5 * 0.8 = 300

Same lvl pyro will receive:
Received dmg = 1000 * 0.75 * 0.5 * (1-(0.4+0.2)) = 150dmg
Where 0.4 is pyro buff.

To sum up warrior/ranger absorbs 40% of magical pvp dmg
Warlock absorbs 81.25% of magical pvp dmg
Shaman absorbs 70% of magical pvp dmg
Pyro absorbs 85% of magical pvp dmg

From here we see how tanky mages are from magical damages, but dont forget that if someone is tanky against magical dmg it means magical damage gets not attractive. Arrows and melee hits will hurt h lvl mages more than death blows or infernos from other mages.

Before saying mages are too tanky, these calculations doesnt show how not tanky mages are against melee/distance attacks. My point is that eq shouldnt stack with buff. It should as all the others numbers work one after another instead of adding them up.
Also natural magic resistance should be reworked as we are getting closer to the point where mages wont be able to damage other mages. Cuz lvl 850 with 100m lvl will absorb 100% magical damage. Thats right it will take a while to get 850lvl, but formula shouldnt allow us to get close to it."

Level 720
29th March 2018 22:53:09

Guys, i made buy offers of Spinel and Aquamarine, if you can sell to me, i can test the stats of enchanted item.
i will post it if i can do it, like always.

Level 334
29th March 2018 23:01:10

baltas it will take me some time to read it but i will i promise :D

everybody going crazy over the test server and it is not for sure if everything on the list is going to be on the update :smartass:

Level 600
29th March 2018 23:06:37 (Last edited 29th March 2018 23:53:08)

spell >>> Rage <<< I found it to be very good, it increases the duration of time in max 1minute or decreases the cooldown to 1minute. because now it is of no use 10 seconds with cooldown of 4 minutes was better nen to have done does something that we can use when hunting is already help >>>> spells Holy Sword very good
maybe en pvp >> rage << help on something but m pvp, server for anything with 10 sec cd


spell >>>Rage<<< achei muita boa , aumenta o tempo de duraçao pra no max 1minuto ou diminui o cooldown para 1minuto. porque agora ela nao serve para nada 10 seconds com cooldown de 4 minuto era melhor nen ter feito faz algo que podemos usar quando for caçar ja ajuda >>>>spells Holy Sword muito boa
talvez en pvp >>rage<< ajuda em algo, mas m pvp, server para nada com cd de 10 seg

Biell Griffin

Level 256
29th March 2018 23:23:07

Guys i have a solution
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