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3rd April 2023 14:30:55 CM Mercury View post »

Level 106
4th April 2023 03:35:58

Quoting Kylock:
Quoting Aquaplay:

one more thing, i noticed the change about the cost of zz ore to enchant, would it be more fair like this?
ordinary 1 zz ore

epic 2-3 zz ore

legendary 5 zz ore as is the current system

Looted items other then boss items and some quest items are not enchantable.

i got a zz legs ordinary after the update, it is enchantable. in the current system 5 zz ore to rotate and maybe upgrade from ordinary to epic or legendary. can you see how hard it will be to get it out of ordinary with 5 zz ore per try? new players will go through this too, we don't have a boss rotation and we only get 1 zz ore per boss

Level 719
4th April 2023 04:12:07 (Last edited 4th April 2023 04:24:47)

Here we are. When people will open their eyes and finally understand that point, we will have a riot.

I wrote it several times during test period (eg here), it's an announced disaster, and, just saying things frankly, it's the death of boss/quest items.

Obviously you will need to reach legendary tier for your ZZ legs, to be able to compete with usual droppable items. And some more enchantments once legendary reached, to obtain the stats your are aiming.

So now, once again, let's detail some numbers. According to my average odds on test servers, it may takes 60/80/100 enchantments for that.

At actual rates, it means :
- 300 to 500 daily bosses
- 240 to 400 premium cards (if you buy dungeon tickets packs of 25 for 20 cards)
- 60 to 100 zz coins
(and all together, something like 100kk to 170kk ...)

And I repeat, all that to make ONE quest item competitive with respect to usual ones.

I let you imagine your rage when you will finally get your so desired 4K item and discover it's ordinary tier ...:D

It's pure madness ....

Level 540
4th April 2023 04:14:19 (Last edited 4th April 2023 04:18:17)

Quoting Aquaplay:
Quoting Kylock:
Quoting Aquaplay:

one more thing, i noticed the change about the cost of zz ore to enchant, would it be more fair like this?
ordinary 1 zz ore

epic 2-3 zz ore

legendary 5 zz ore as is the current system

Looted items other then boss items and some quest items are not enchantable.

i got a zz legs ordinary after the update, it is enchantable. in the current system 5 zz ore to rotate and maybe upgrade from ordinary to epic or legendary. can you see how hard it will be to get it out of ordinary with 5 zz ore per try? new players will go through this too, we don't have a boss rotation and we only get 1 zz ore per boss

ZZ legs is a quest item. I said other then boss items and some quest items
Captain Fuzzy Piddle

Level 209
4th April 2023 20:59:02

[16:54:16] You are looking at a golden ornate rod in the Ordinary tier (attack 18.4, defense 6.8, 0% mana steal, 2% stamina boost). Only a mage is able to wield it. Only a level 75+ player can wield it.

75 for a regular tier Golden Ornate Rod? must be a joke.

Level 601
5th April 2023 19:41:58

A list of items that should or should not be enchantable have been collected and changes will be made accordingly. Feel free to post any items that you think are in the wrong category and we will make changes accordingly :)

Emerald amulet have tier 3 to much
But silver guantlets have tier 1 not enaf

Level 601
5th April 2023 19:51:07

Rings without defenses such as the Serpentine ring. Newly acquired rings now have random stats without the original ones they had.

Are no longer useful in the game. I don't know what to do with it maybe add them 1 or 2 more bonuses?

Level 243
7th April 2023 21:29:16 (Last edited 7th April 2023 21:35:37)

Why aren't quivers dynamic loot? That kinda puts rangers at a disadvantage.
That means rangers are 6% Magic resists/Physical resists or dodge behind everyone else.
Tokan Sado

Level 1005
7th April 2023 22:51:15

@Permadead the reason is probably the same as why we can't add them to the market, its because they are countainers and its hard to code on it.

Level 224
10th April 2023 17:41:12 (Last edited 10th April 2023 17:41:36)

1. Currently the low level equipment (weapons) are super broken, everything above a ember wand is a 2 star item which means you cannot use any of them till level 75. I would also suggest reducing that down to level 50.

Mongol bow and below should be 1 star, Spiked mace and below should be 1 star, Sacred staff and below should be 1 star, Heroic Blade and below should be 1 star.

2. How does Gold loot work, from the little tests I've done it seem to just increase the chance of getting gold which is very close to pointless when most monsters gold drop rate is 80%+, In my opinion I think it should give you another gold roll for example if a monster drops 100gold you can get the original 100 gold and a x% for it to drop another roll of gold.

3. Spellbooks and Amulet rolls seem very underwhelming maybe adding mana steal/life steal or something to them.

4. I think the crit damage percentages need raising, you used to be able to get 64% crit and now you can get 30% max, that is a huge nerf to rangers.

5. Something needs doing with gathering it is the reason you will see bot characters in the new server botting for their main.

Level 170
10th April 2023 18:52:34 (Last edited 10th April 2023 22:43:20)

I played for a while after the update and I don't think everything's perfect so far. When I firstly heard about dynamic equipment and enchanting system with ores I was hyped and I really thought it will be a very intresting feature.

Firstly, the way you get ores is really disappointing. It's boring, kill x to get x, as usual. Mining system with multiple types of ores would be much more attractive for a player. And that's what I was hoping for after the first information about enchanting system.

Next, Items are now crazy strong, yet you can't use items you get at lower levels. Bonuses are way too big in my opinion. The amount of bonus statistics could be lowered to 1/2/3 (ordinary/epic/legendary tier). At the same time bonuses shouldn't be that strong, procentages are too big, you surely have to lower them. I am not sure how ofter you drop epic and legendary tier items but I think they should be rare/very rare. After the nerf level requirement should be decreased.

These are the items we're supposed to use at the beginning phase. All of them require 75 level. It has to be changed before new server realese.

Zezenia Online Forum Screenshot

And at the end one more little thing! :D

[20:07:46] You trained offline for 1 hour 39 minutes.

It would be nice to see your progress, you can add to it something like: "... and you have gained x% of your melee skill and x% of your defending skill."


ps. if I were you I would revoke enchanting changes and dynamic equipment, fix it and then update the game. Let the new server be clean, without these disgusting changes (:
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