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8th May 2024 13:08:39 CM Mercury View post »
8th May 2024 13:18:44 CM Mercury View post »
8th May 2024 14:13:48 CM Mercury View post »
8th May 2024 14:42:54 CM Mercury View post »
8th May 2024 14:50:03 CM Mercury View post »
8th May 2024 16:43:09 CM Mercury View post »
8th May 2024 17:02:02 CM Mercury View post »
8th May 2024 17:26:25 CM Mercury View post »
8th May 2024 17:39:06 CM Mercury View post »
8th May 2024 17:45:22 CM Mercury View post »
8th May 2024 23:04:11 CM Mercury View post »
10th May 2024 12:48:16 CM Mercury View post »
10th May 2024 13:02:13 CM Mercury View post »
10th May 2024 13:45:32 CM Mercury View post »
10th May 2024 14:56:09 CM Mercury View post »
10th May 2024 15:26:59 CM Mercury View post »
20th May 2024 03:33:28 Administration View post »
27th May 2024 05:57:55 Administration View post »
31st May 2024 22:17:27 Administration View post »
2nd June 2024 18:03:10 Administration View post »
3rd June 2024 16:09:19 CM Mercury View post »
Ruthless Execution

Level 110
10th May 2024 00:01:53

Quoting Black Huntress:

Final opinion on the small changes: we can only consider that there was an improvement in the buff, if you want to make the class stronger just improve the pyro's AOE damage (reverse this "Reduced damage of Inferno by approximately 10%, and by 20% towards edges.", first, you should have observed how the Pyromancer would fare, since in the same update that buffed all classes, you nerfed Pyro significantly), if you don't want to increase the class's damage, remove the nerf on life steal (this affects many players without a good set with enchantments, players with a good set don't make as much difference) and fix the buff to at least 16/12%.

Taking advantage of the topic, how about giving some usefulness to the spells Mortal Melody (shaman) and Heat Wave (pyromancer)? The Mortal Melody spell is the most useless spell possible, hitting only 2 sqm in front of the character, while the Heat Wave spell hits 4 sqm in front of the character. Player Ron made a good suggestion about the Mortal Melody spell (only the cooldown which I believe should be shorter). As for the Heat Wave spell, if it were at least 4x3 (4 lines by 3 columns), it would be much more useful, especially in group hunts

Agree with you! In addition to Fire Shield changes on Test Server, at least the nerf on pyromancer's lifesteal could be reversed (back to 100% of efficiency again).

Shamans need a wave. Mortal Melody damage is already nice (low damage in comparison to a good single target spell), so this spell just needs to have its number of sqm increased to become really useful for this subclass. Maybe 4 or 5s of cooldown.

Quoting Frostitude:

IMO shaman should get a wave spell aswell what will deal dmg to the monsters and the same dmg will heal the partymemeber. TO be usefull aswell besides just standing there and press healfriend.

Perhaps we can try to see what would happen if rangers bow's atk are allinged with barbs? Since they lack the current AEO meta they should be compensated in some sort imo.

Quoting Onefiveonefourfive:

I think the idea of making rangers weapons on the same page as barbarian is a really good start to helping them! Should definitely try this.

Nice idea. By increasing the attack of ranged weapons, this can solve the issue of lack of damage, as the damage from ricochets will be raised and also increase xp.

Quoting CM Mercury:

Will look into resurrecting desolation :)

Desolation back is perfect for paladins.
Natural Stormrage

Level 297
10th May 2024 04:04:18

Made video for you guys to just... watch.

Compiled some ideas etc, obviously not evertything.

But managable within time frame.

More could be done after aswell.

Level 114
10th May 2024 04:50:44 (Last edited 10th May 2024 04:51:49)

About Rangers

> Ricochets :

How it works Now -- Max of 2 targets = 50% and 25% of damage for nearby monsters.

Suggestion -- Max of 5 targets = always 75% of damage for nearby monsters.

Level 281
10th May 2024 04:58:38

Quoting Natural Stormrage:

Made video for you guys to just... watch.

Compiled some ideas etc, obviously not evertything.

But managable within time frame.

More could be done after aswell.

Buster Bunny

Level 356
10th May 2024 05:32:23

Its really simple.

Whoever has AoE spells hunts and play the game on a fun way. The ones that don't, just can't play the game.

1 thing - Don't nerf any class. The strong ones already are good and fun to play, weaking them are not the key, we need to focus on the weaked classes.

2 - Rangers don't have shield nor really significative AoE spells, the final weapon bow (which needs the ridicolous amount of 4000 points ) is weaker than a staff of a mage. This just don't make ANY sense at all. Once they don't have a shield they must have the weapons with the stronger attacks, it a basic thing. Don't listen to players that are saying that Rangers are "ok" , they are just crying for pvp reasons, but noone has played and level up a Ranger class from 0 to 400 recently without use of illegal softwares (b.ot) . Hunting targeting one on one is just bad.

3- Look the number of players and the number of classes that they choose. There is a reason why anyone plays with single target damage classes and shaman. The way the game works, just don't works hunting on single target, there aren't monsters that let you gain a great exp/ hour hunting 1 on 1 , grindind boxes of monster is and always will be the better option.

4- Shaman is the most weak and useless class by far. "aaah but he can heal and is helpfull on bosses", yeah.... but no one wants to be the "so called usefull class on bosses" guy. Why? The class is simply impossible to level up if you don't have a real life friend that carry you and the gameplay is basically pressing "heal friend".
THEY ARE SUPPORT!!!! They need strong support spells, giving damage reducing for anyone, growing up the damage of the allies, etc etc. Shamans need spells that made them on a way that ANYONE would beg to have a shaman on his party, independently of the classes combination and the number of players on the party.

5- If some spells and thing become just "too powerfull for pvp" made some effects only aplying on non pvp areas, to just PVE. Its time to made the game fun for anyone to hunt and level up, even if they don't has class X or Y. Leveling up is the key mechanic of the game, so anyone should be able to hunt and gains similar exp of the other classes.

Level 10
10th May 2024 06:06:36 (Last edited 10th May 2024 06:24:51)

Mortal Melody (Shaman)

Proposal to remake this spell because it's useless nowadays even at low levels. I'm considering a shaman as support class for PVE and without a function to do a high damage.

So the suggestion is change it to an AOE Debuff spell which debuffs all monsters to receive more damage up to 10% (debuff limit) exclusively based on magic level as paladins buff (Fortification).

I think a new debuff can help a lot shamans to be more requested for party hunts and fill the gap that exists in pve for this subclass.


1) AOE 5x5 sqm around the caster;

2) Shaman's magic level / 8 = % debuff;

3) Unable to debuff players so current Curse spell (warlock) will continue to be useful against players / pvp;

4) This spell doesn't inflict any damage only debuffs the monsters;

5) Cooldown / 20 seconds;

6) Magic level 40+ required to cast the spell. Mana usage = +-250.

Example: A shaman has magic level 40 = 5% debuff, magic level 64 = 8% and magic level 80 = 10% debuff limit.

Level 200
10th May 2024 11:13:30

Quoting Natural Stormrage:

Made video for you guys to just... watch.

Compiled some ideas etc, obviously not evertything.

But managable within time frame.

More could be done after aswell.

King Healer

Level 1101
10th May 2024 11:48:35

Quoting Waoo Daupxia:
Quoting Natural Stormrage:

Made video for you guys to just... watch.

Compiled some ideas etc, obviously not evertything.

But managable within time frame.

More could be done after aswell.


I agree with u.

Another suggestion is to increase the number of monsters in ricochet like my friend said.

Could hit 5 more monsters with 75% damage on them.

I loved the idea of ​​the shaman, it would improve the class a lot, making it possible to increase the damage of this new spell in the hailstorm talents.
CM Mercury
Community Manager

10th May 2024 12:48:16


A lot of great ideas!
We will test some more changes today and some minor changes might be done during the S6. There will be no more nerfing during the S6.

The TS will stay open for now and more balancing testing will be done based on your feedback to ensure a better result. Things that go live on S6 don't mean that they are final yet.

Some things that have been mentioned:
-Possibility to drop bp if not blessed at death
-Change Fire Shield from 14/14% to 16/12%
-Ranger Ricochet: Boost the second and third hit damage by +50% (Additionally add one or two more monsters that can be hit.
-Boost the second wave of Hailstorm from 33% to 50%
-Reduce magic level for Hellish Volley from 12 to 10.
-Increase area of Mortal Melody by adding a 3x3 at the end, increase the cost of mana from 15 to 150 and add a 2s CD + ml 25 required.
-Add a 3x3 hit area around the target on Holy Sword that does 25% of the main damage.
-Increase damage of hellish volley by 15%

Feel free to discuss further adjustments.


Level 128
10th May 2024 12:57:52

Quoting CM Mercury:

A lot of great ideas!
We will test some more changes today and some minor changes might be done during the S6. There will be no more nerfing during the S6.

The TS will stay open for now and more balancing testing will be done based on your feedback to ensure a better result. Things that go live on S6 don't mean that they are final yet.

Some things that have been mentioned:
-Possibility to drop bp if not blessed at death
-Change Fire Shield from 14/14% to 16/12%
-Ranger Ricochet: Boost the second and third hit damage by +50% (Additionally add one or two more monsters that can be hit.
-Boost the second wave of Hailstorm from 33% to 50%
-Reduce magic level for Hellish Volley from 12 to 10.
-Increase area of Mortal Melody by adding a 3x3 at the end, increase the cost of mana from 15 to 150 and add a 2s CD + ml 25 required.
-Add a 3x3 hit area around the target on Holy Sword that does 25% of the main damage.
-Increase damage of hellish volley by 15%

Feel free to discuss further adjustments.


...and change Cleave to Destolation, right? :P
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