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8th May 2024 13:08:39 CM Mercury View post »
8th May 2024 13:18:44 CM Mercury View post »
8th May 2024 14:13:48 CM Mercury View post »
8th May 2024 14:42:54 CM Mercury View post »
8th May 2024 14:50:03 CM Mercury View post »
8th May 2024 16:43:09 CM Mercury View post »
8th May 2024 17:02:02 CM Mercury View post »
8th May 2024 17:26:25 CM Mercury View post »
8th May 2024 17:39:06 CM Mercury View post »
8th May 2024 17:45:22 CM Mercury View post »
8th May 2024 23:04:11 CM Mercury View post »
10th May 2024 12:48:16 CM Mercury View post »
10th May 2024 13:02:13 CM Mercury View post »
10th May 2024 13:45:32 CM Mercury View post »
10th May 2024 14:56:09 CM Mercury View post »
10th May 2024 15:26:59 CM Mercury View post »
20th May 2024 03:33:28 Administration View post »
27th May 2024 05:57:55 Administration View post »
31st May 2024 22:17:27 Administration View post »
2nd June 2024 18:03:10 Administration View post »
3rd June 2024 16:09:19 CM Mercury View post »

Level 254
10th May 2024 15:07:17

Quoting CM Mercury:
We will keep the TS alive to test things.


Test server is offline? it tells me there is no Acces.

Level 202
10th May 2024 15:09:06 (Last edited 10th May 2024 15:16:01)

It's super confusing as to what feedback you want, I've suggested some for single targetting and so have others, cause you keep saying "we don't want everyone AOE" but then the ONLY changes mentioned is a AOE buff it makes no sense.

You need to figure out what you want for each class cause currently it seems random things are getting added with zero thought at all, for example the ricochet change, will it help rangers? yes very slightly.

Currently rangers are trash at most aspects compared to mages and even barbarians (rangers might be better than Paladin but not 100% sure on the numbers)

ATM it's a "we wont buff AOE too much cause we dont want everything to be AOE but we wont buff single target either"

Level 1007
10th May 2024 15:11:34

CM Mercury Check what I've posted here:

Quoting Necromaniak:
Hello everybody
Srry for not posting before, i've been out all day long, couldn't reply before

I only read the designed changes and ideas... Here's my opnion:

I dont enjoy much the nerfs because many players had paid to change their classes, and lvling with less exp then before is very unpleasent, i can understand it, but still dont like the idea

In fact we have a lack between classes, so this is I have in mind:

First, I've posted before an idea for adding reflect dmg in paladin because of many beneficts, but got no answer on it. I understand for a fast change its not viable, in that case, i think a best aoe on paladin like some players said here is a good alternative but for while..

The best way I see to solve 2 problems (paladins and shaman) is adding some monsters that hits really hard, making possible only for high lvl paladins solo hunt with a huge exp per monster (balancing the lack of aoe dmg) and making possible for barbarians only hunt with a shaman together, making both (shamans and paladins) useful again.
And I understand that new monsters arent the focus now, but u could improve the blockness of paladin aiming on this new monsters, and buffing shamans dmg somehow for hunting while the new monsters dont come, and being useful on the begining of the new server aswell

For the first part of the balancing, i agree with King Healer's ideas, but still focusing on a second part

This way no class needs to be nerfed, and no extraordinary changes needs to be done

The only thing I would like to really highlight is the need of removing the life steal nerf on Pyro.. In my opnion this is responsible for like 90% of his unefectiveness nowaday, and I strongly agree with the radial dmg buff, and that in my opnion still could be 100% of the dmg all around inferno

Srry for the long text, but i hope i've explained well.. Im open for discussions and further explanation

Thx u all

Its more about the future of AOE hunts... In my opnion single target hunts are extremely boring and exausting, AOE hunts allow us to challange more, and need to stay more focused all the time, but this is a personal preference...

In my opnion the hunts could be AOE, but with necessary classes to do it, like a mob almost twice stronger then templars, where only paladins solo could tank it, and mages could easily die, and barbs would be outhealed UNLESS hunting with a shaman together... This could bring the need of some classes as Paladin and Shaman... I think a buff in paladin defense could be nice, aiming in a future with stronger mobs (and maybe bosses)

Just keep this ideas in mint!


Level 1007
10th May 2024 15:12:41

And this ideas dont invalidate the idea of single target hunts too, we could have both of them, for all kinds of tastes!

Level 763
10th May 2024 15:18:02

Quoting CM Mercury:
Quoting Blackmoor:

...and change Cleave to Destolation, right? :P


That's a tough one. Or change the area of attack for Cleave? :smartass:


Humm, the problem of Cleave is that paladin needs to be on the wall to make damage. If paladins hunt with party, 3 box monsters will not take damage. Paladins need a skill that gives damage on box and some skills that make monsters dont change target on another players even out of box. like 2-3 sqms out of box.

Also i have another idea of skills. Maybe its can be good. In a future a kind of upgrade every skill to UPGrad1 ou 2 need quests or any drop. A upgrade that make habilities stronger..
King Healer

Level 1101
10th May 2024 15:20:19

Quoting CM Mercury:
Quoting King Healer:

If the game's meta was 1 on 1 or 2 on 2 monsters, it would make sense. However, all monsters and hunts are in area, which makes the AOE stand out. We have two similar games that show this.

Tibia: Hunt with many monsters and the classes have been adapted so that they all have area damage.

Medivia: Hunt single target 99% of the time.

Since the creation of the first hunt that contained more than 3 monsters per spot, area classes were superior, so zezenia kind of went with the idea of ​​area hunting, causing classes that were not adapted to fall behind.

Unfortunately, zezenia was already given this idea of ​​single target hunting with VERY strong animals, but they never even responded, that is, what makes you believe that not having a change in the classes adapting them to AOE, is not the solution?

Having some sort of AOE for all classes is some sort of a solution. Is it a long term solution? Don't know. We will keep the TS alive to test things.


It's a solution that will save at least 2 years of Zezenia's life.

There is no paladin in the game, the paladin must have an area spell, it is practically mandatory, Barb has 2, it doesn't cost the paladin to have one, he will still be inferior in exp/damage.

The improvement in the shaman makes it a good class to level with.

I don't see any changes like this being harmful to the game/balance, I only see positive points. If 1 in 1 hunts are added in the long term, the single target combo will still be used.

Level 874
10th May 2024 15:26:45 (Last edited 10th May 2024 15:41:03)

Quoting CM Mercury:

Thank you Askja for the detailed math. These numbers are just for testing purposes and they can be fixed :)

We would like to keep a certain difference between sub classes. Having all of them do great AOE damage is not the main goal here, just slightly reduce the experience gaps between each sub class.

Eventually we might be going towards the more AOE based damage but for now let's try to keep the changes small and slowly work our way towards a better balance.


If you read carefully my complete proposal, you will see I precisely offer a combination of :

- medium AoE (Cleave hitting only 5 - 3x3 each *6* seconds with *LESS damage* than cleave)
- better single target (Shield Slam hitting 160% on *pve* target (still 100% on pvp target), Holy Sword reworked)
- original gameplay which is *really* different than barbs (rotating cleave, rotating aimed Shield Slam, Holy Sword for help boss/elite )
- no buff at all in pvp (edit : sorry, there is a buff in pvp through cleave in my proposal)
- and roughly 40% more pve dps to fill *only a bit* huge gap barb VS pala.

I really don't understand how you don't see it's a complete rework towards better balance, and yes I agree, numbers can be changed later.

On your side, what you propose is a 7% dps buff (thanks to 10% cleave) and about nothing more with Holy Sword (no interest in using it for AoE, Sweeping is doing better, simple).

But oh well, I guess it's enough, I absolutly don't understand anything in the way staff is proceeding, unless ofc the goal is *to not reach balance* and let paladin way behind, but in that case I would prefer staff tell us frankly.
CM Mercury
Community Manager

10th May 2024 15:26:59 (Last edited 10th May 2024 15:27:18)


Next changes were made on TS.

-Change Fire Shield from 14/14% to 16/12%
-Boosted the second wave of Hailstorm from 33% to 50%
-Reduce magic level for Hellish Volley from 12 to 10
-Increase area of Mortal Melody by adding a 3x3 at the end, increase the cost of mana from 15 to 150 and add a 2s CD + ml 25 required
-Added a 3x3 hit area around the target on Holy Sword that does 25% of the main damage
-Increase damage of hellish volley by 15%


Level 21
10th May 2024 15:52:22

By these changes, Future will be fully cleaved, certainly desolated for paladins. :(

Level 255
10th May 2024 16:04:23 (Last edited 10th May 2024 16:12:06)

It's simple, so change the 8x8 cleave ability and reduce the damage, but nothing changes the GM's idea of leaving 3x3, 8x8 is just a dream
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