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8th May 2024 13:08:39 CM Mercury View post »
8th May 2024 13:18:44 CM Mercury View post »
8th May 2024 14:13:48 CM Mercury View post »
8th May 2024 14:42:54 CM Mercury View post »
8th May 2024 14:50:03 CM Mercury View post »
8th May 2024 16:43:09 CM Mercury View post »
8th May 2024 17:02:02 CM Mercury View post »
8th May 2024 17:26:25 CM Mercury View post »
8th May 2024 17:39:06 CM Mercury View post »
8th May 2024 17:45:22 CM Mercury View post »
8th May 2024 23:04:11 CM Mercury View post »
10th May 2024 12:48:16 CM Mercury View post »
10th May 2024 13:02:13 CM Mercury View post »
10th May 2024 13:45:32 CM Mercury View post »
10th May 2024 14:56:09 CM Mercury View post »
10th May 2024 15:26:59 CM Mercury View post »
20th May 2024 03:33:28 Administration View post »
27th May 2024 05:57:55 Administration View post »
31st May 2024 22:17:27 Administration View post »
2nd June 2024 18:03:10 Administration View post »
3rd June 2024 16:09:19 CM Mercury View post »

Level 125
29th May 2024 12:21:41 (Last edited 29th May 2024 12:24:06)

Buff some ranged weapons, so it can be used more in the game.
Since these weapons were released, I've never seen anyone using them, but since they say that archers need more buffs, maybe these weapons could help:

Throwing stones
Enchanted javelin
Throwing volcanic ball

Maybe a buff 20% in weapon attack would be better or add a spell in which this weapons can be enchanted, so it could give +20% of the weapon's base attack, no level restriction

Level 198
29th May 2024 15:01:28 (Last edited 29th May 2024 15:10:02)

Some suggestions after testing the TS a lot.

• Remove warlocks health steal spell (dark gathering) could maybe change to a damage buff or something.
• Remove the health steal from barbs buff.
• Make it so you can gain a max of 15-20% life steal from equipment. (like you did with mr)
• Make rangers gain 10 HP per level instead of 15 ( they get too tanky late game )
• increase mortal melody to the same damage formula as whirlwind. Maybe add a self heal to it at half the rate it heals others for.
• Increase shamans self heal spell ( in proportion to other mages their heal gets them far less health percentage per cast ).
• Make the radial damage difference on Pyros smaller
• Add 50% cleave damage to the back not 33%.
• Change the back of barbarians to 50% instead of 75%.
• Add some damage to bows/crossbow.

Level 10
29th May 2024 23:15:07 (Last edited 30th May 2024 01:57:35)

Considering the release of dynamic-enchantment system some subclasses became very tanky also dealing a great damage instead of having only one role in game, due to enchantments of 30% extra maximum magic resistance counting all equipments fully enchanted, furthermore new extra max 15% hp steal, 20% new maximum dodge and 30% max physical resistance given by enchantments.

So some adjustments could be made to rebalance the subclass buffs. Focusing on establishing only one good performance for each subclass, whether in having high damage, high defense or even being average between damage and defense.

A first step would be to change the buffs to favor the focus of each subclass, keeping in mind this:

high damage = low defense
medium damage = medium defense
low damage = high defense

Suggestions to rework on buffs :

Warlocks - reduce their defense improving spell damage and hp steal which is the essence of this subclass.

Dark Gathering - Increase its hp steal from 10% to 20% and Add 20% of magic level bonus to this buff.

Remove Absorbing Aura spell - 24% of negation of damage - from the game.

- Restore to 50% the damage of Cross of Annihilation’s second wave.

Pyromancers - place mana shield as their main buff defense, they should be by far the most fragile subclass to play and improve AoE damage, focus of this subclass.

Fire Shield - Increase its Mana Shield from 12% to 25% and Add to the buff 10% of extra damage for Inferno, Meteor Shower and Fire Rain.

Remove the 16% of negation of damage from Fire Shield.

- Restore base hp steal of subclass to 100% again.

Shamans - they're a supporter subclass, so their buff is already well balanced.

Fortitude Growth - No changes. 35% max hp bonus and 10% of negation of damage.

Rogues - subclass focused on PvP, so they need a few improvements.

Belligerent Focus - Keep the ricochets , Increase negation of damage from 4% to 8% and Add attack speed by 25%.

Remove distance skill bonus from Belligerent Focus.

Marksmen - they're focused on PvE and critical hits, some changes can fully provide that.

Offensive Imminence - Keep the ricochets also Improve their distance skill bonus to 20% and Add critical hit chance by 15%.

* Ps.: Reduce ranger class hp per level from 15 to 10. *

Barbarians - full aggresive subclass, but their defense needs to be low considering hp steal because its not their focus.

Frenzy - Improve melee skill bonus from 10% to 20% and Reduce from 15% to 10% the mana cost reduction for spells.

Remove 3% of hp steal from Frenzy.

Paladins - best defensive subclass, so they should have the major % of negation of damage considering all subclasses.

Fortification - Keep 10% max hp bonus and Increase negation of damage from 10% to 20%.
Captain Fuzzy Piddle

Level 214
31st May 2024 19:46:24

Marksman needs adjustments. Watcher characters need looked into having 12+ of them across the map 24.7 while streaming live in discord is quite lame o.o

Level 198
31st May 2024 20:18:02

Quoting Captain Fuzzy Piddle:
Marksman needs adjustments. Watcher characters need looked into having 12+ of them across the map 24.7 while streaming live in discord is quite lame o.o

I agree it goes against the whole point of locate spells/anti locate spells etc if you can have 15 characters online at every boat/spawn safe spot etc.

Hopefully some more changes come out on the test server soon then we can head for a release.

Level 151
31st May 2024 22:02:20

Honestly isnt the main issue with rangers dist? they seem alright with 180 dist :P but good luck getting there on a new character

31st May 2024 22:17:27

The test server has been restarted with the latest updates! Please download the latest client, which is mandatory to log in successfully. Check the first post for all the details.

Zezenia Staff

Level 576
31st May 2024 22:34:29 (Last edited 31st May 2024 22:38:43)

Quoting Administration:
The test server has been restarted with the latest updates! Please download the latest client, which is mandatory to log in successfully. Check the first post for all the details.

Zezenia Staff

I like the cursor spells ALOT, i'd like to mention some things about it.

1) Give players the option to toggle it (cast on target/cast on yourself/or on crosshair)

2) Currently its bugged, when you click the spell, it takes your mana eventhough haven't casted it yet. It should take your mana after you placed the spell. You also can't move while you press the spell, it will cancel the animation to aim.

Also, hellish volley is bigger now, but radial dmg, why the silent nerf? Why nerf it at all?

edit; With those spell changes, it will destroy shaman and pyro in pvp as those spells are within their combo kit. It forces you to let players choose whether you want it on target, yourself or cursor. (via hotkey popup window or w.e.)

Level 198
31st May 2024 23:43:04 (Last edited 31st May 2024 23:43:53)

I tested slightly and while I do like it, it makes PVP combos and fighting while moving close to impossible for a Shaman.
It's even worse for a shaman as it has a charge time too!!


I also tested mortal melody on a level 500 with magic 80 and the damage is 440, I think this damage is just too low for it to be worth using and adding the extra complexity to your gameplay, making the damage scale like Whirlwind (580 ish) would actually make the risk vs reward more appealing.


The enchanting lock is now far more reasonable.
I LOVE the sorting when selling, I hope one day we can lock items (for extra sets for pvp etc in our bps) to not be sold.
Disturbed Maverick

Level 210
1st June 2024 00:35:38

Quoting Administration:

Cursor Spells

Cursor Spells allow players to aim areal spells using the mouse. The area of effect for each spell is drawn over the map tiles.

Unfortunately, it's bugged because if you cast the spell and move, the mana points will be consumed, but the drawing on the map (area of effect) will disappear, and you'll need to cast it again, consuming more mana. So you'll need to stay still - stationary on the floor - for it to work correctly.
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