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8th May 2024 13:08:39 CM Mercury View post »
8th May 2024 13:18:44 CM Mercury View post »
8th May 2024 14:13:48 CM Mercury View post »
8th May 2024 14:42:54 CM Mercury View post »
8th May 2024 14:50:03 CM Mercury View post »
8th May 2024 16:43:09 CM Mercury View post »
8th May 2024 17:02:02 CM Mercury View post »
8th May 2024 17:26:25 CM Mercury View post »
8th May 2024 17:39:06 CM Mercury View post »
8th May 2024 17:45:22 CM Mercury View post »
8th May 2024 23:04:11 CM Mercury View post »
10th May 2024 12:48:16 CM Mercury View post »
10th May 2024 13:02:13 CM Mercury View post »
10th May 2024 13:45:32 CM Mercury View post »
10th May 2024 14:56:09 CM Mercury View post »
10th May 2024 15:26:59 CM Mercury View post »
20th May 2024 03:33:28 Administration View post »
27th May 2024 05:57:55 Administration View post »
31st May 2024 22:17:27 Administration View post »
2nd June 2024 18:03:10 Administration View post »
3rd June 2024 16:09:19 CM Mercury View post »
CM Mercury
Community Manager

8th May 2024 13:08:39 (Last edited 8th May 2024 13:16:42)

Quoting Sanoman:

Hello, I don't understand you, you destroy a class and then want to fix the mess you made... seriously, it seems like you don't take this game seriously, now another nerf for mages....


What was the problem here? If you could specify it more clearly so we can try to fix the issue. The idea of the Test Server is to try changes and act based on player feedback. These changes are just for testing purposes currently.

Quoting Tokan Sado:
Buffing sweeping indirects buffs barbarians, buffing holy sword dosen't solve any of paladins currently problems, I dont even know what was the intention on doing this lmao

Would barbarians still use the sweeping swipe though?

e. Seems like this is not the way to go. We will remove the sweeping swipe boost and boost cleave instead.

Possible changes to test as an example:
Lowering the health steal effect of Barbarians frenzy from 5% to 2 or 3%
Boosting Paladins Fortification from 6% to 8%
Changing Pyromancers Fire shield from 12% / 16% to 14% / 14%

Feel free to voice your opinions here and we will act accordingly if the majority agrees. That's what the TS is all about.


Level 925
8th May 2024 13:15:19

Quoting Sanoman:
Quoting Shadowzin:
Is there gonna be any changes to the ranger? Right now, there's no reason to play it. It's really bad, no good PvP, and solo XP sucks

Hi, I think it's an exaggeration of your shadow to comment this, ranger is the best class for pvp currently, a lvl 700 ranger can kill me easily if I'm not using a buff or if I miss a combo or a cure, I don't see the point in your comment, now about the xp time in which the class has its reason for existing, mages are good in war they have a strong combo, but in hunts mages themselves can die easily, now rangers can tank for a box and they don't die, that's the difference....

How does a non-PvP player know about PvP? Any ranger hitting me, I don't need to heal. I heal all their hits with my life steal

Stop trying to opine on what you don't know

Level 1000
8th May 2024 13:16:27

Quoting King Healer:
Quoting Sanoman:
Quoting Administration:
Zezenia Season Six begins this Friday! Check out the announcement for all the details.

The May 2024 Balancing Test Server is now open to all players for testing! Download the Test Client here and log in using your credentials. The Test Server is based on a snapshot taken earlier today, so some of your character’s progress or password changes may not apply.

Balancing Changes

- Reduced the damage of Cross of Annihilation’s second wave by half.
- Buffed the radial damage of Inferno reducing damage loss near the edges.
- Buffed the damage of Sweeping Swipe by 15%.
- Buffed the damage of Holy Sword by 10% and lowered cooldown to 15 seconds.
- Adjusted Fire Shield to 12% health/16% mana negation from 10%/18% negation.

Season Six configuration

The Test Server is configured with the same experience rate and PvP parameters as the upcoming Season Six server Avalon.

Test Server utilities

As always, the Test Server NPC can be found in the Ellaria depot to switch classes, level up or teleport to various bosses.

Zezenia Staff

Hello, I don't understand you, you destroy a class and then want to fix the mess you made... seriously, it seems like you don't take this game seriously, now another nerf for mages....

The reality is that they don't play the game, they don't stay active and observing.

I have knowledge of the classes because I've played with them all and I play with people who play with these classes and I analyze them.

It is impossible to know that the paladin needs a buff in his area hunt and buff the holy sword and the sweep (which ends up buffing the barbarian). I see that they try, but in my opinion they are simple changes that should be made and are made completely the opposite.

Not to say anything bad about the staff, but I really can't understand what's going on.

Why aren't there more paladins, why isn't it difficult for a 500+ barb to get exp and a paladin does a lot less solo exp. Why? Because the paladin has little area damage compared to a barbarian for example.

Solution: buff a spell that ends up also buffing the barbarian and buff a single target spell.(?)

I'm honestly at the point of giving up on this game, what I see for the future are not new hunts, new quests, new mechanics for the game, they are just seasonal and more nerfs... I can level up to lvl 1500 but the staff always there will be a nerf for any class that is too strong, that's the truth.

Level 874
8th May 2024 13:16:28 (Last edited 8th May 2024 13:27:19)

Quoting CM Mercury:
Would barbarians still use the sweeping swipe though?

Here is a perfect example of the problem, it seems staff doesn't know gameplay at all. Obviously they use ! Do you think they will wait 2 seconds to make some damage, when they can precisely fill that blank with some damage ? Come on ..

For paladins, the first obvious thing to do is to cancel that totally unjustified nerf we had on cleave damage last year. It was a 20% nerf, to cancel it you need a 25% buff (1/0,8=1,25).

Be certain it won't be enough, the gap between barbs and paladins is HUGE. Paladins need also something new in 3x3 AoE. For example :
- improve sweeping only for paladins (from class quest)
- or create a 4s cooldown 3x3 spell
- or create damage by reflection.

Besides, without any overpowering risk, you could significantly buff Shield Slam damage (xx% 2nd hit, pve only) which is the only little poor thing we have to help against boss/elites.
CM Mercury
Community Manager

8th May 2024 13:18:44

Quoting Askja:
Quoting CM Mercury:
Would barbarians still use the sweeping swipe though?

Here is a perfect example of the problem, it seems staff doesn't know gameplay at all. Obviously they use ! Do you think they will wait 2 seconds to make some damage, when they can precisely fill that blank with some damage ? Come on ...

Hi there

The sweeping swipe boost will be removed and it will be added to cleave instead.

That's what the TS is all about. Keep bringing up the errors and we will try our best to fix them :)


Level 116
8th May 2024 13:19:40

Could Buff Shaman Summon, damage and hp based on player, This way, this spell will make more sense
Nowadays no one wants to hunt with a shaman, so this class is useless, with these changes shaman could increase his xp by the hour

Level 1000
8th May 2024 13:21:24

Quoting CM Mercury:
Quoting Sanoman:

Hello, I don't understand you, you destroy a class and then want to fix the mess you made... seriously, it seems like you don't take this game seriously, now another nerf for mages....


What was the problem here? If you could specify it more clearly so we can try to fix the issue. The idea of the Test Server is to try changes and act based on player feedback. These changes are just for testing purposes currently.

Quoting Tokan Sado:
Buffing sweeping indirects buffs barbarians, buffing holy sword dosen't solve any of paladins currently problems, I dont even know what was the intention on doing this lmao

Would barbarians still use the sweeping swipe though?

e. Seems like this is not the way to go. We will remove the sweeping swipe boost and boost cleave instead.

Possible changes to test as an example:
Lowering the health steal effect of Barbarians frenzy from 5% to 2 or 3%
Boosting Paladins Fortification from 6% to 8%
Changing Pyromancers Fire shield from 12% / 16% to 14% / 14%

Feel free to voice your opinions here and we will act accordingly if the majority agrees. That's what the TS is all about.


Black Huntress

Level 1179
8th May 2024 13:23:25 (Last edited 8th May 2024 13:52:13)

Quoting Administration:
Zezenia Season Six begins this Friday! Check out the announcement for all the details.

The May 2024 Balancing Test Server is now open to all players for testing! Download the Test Client here and log in using your credentials. The Test Server is based on a snapshot taken earlier today, so some of your character’s progress or password changes may not apply.

Balancing Changes

- Reduced the damage of Cross of Annihilation’s second wave by half.
- Buffed the radial damage of Inferno reducing damage loss near the edges.
- Buffed the damage of Sweeping Swipe by 15%.
- Buffed the damage of Holy Sword by 10% and lowered cooldown to 15 seconds.
- Adjusted Fire Shield to 12% health/16% mana negation from 10%/18% negation.

Season Six configuration

The Test Server is configured with the same experience rate and PvP parameters as the upcoming Season Six server Avalon.

Test Server utilities

As always, the Test Server NPC can be found in the Ellaria depot to switch classes, level up or teleport to various bosses.

Zezenia Staff

This change in the pyromancer buff improves very little. The right thing would be to return to the original state before last year's nerf, or else release a new mana potion superior to the mana flask

I'm still struggling to visualize how much the radial damage increased in the pyromancer's inferno spell, onsidering the 116-level difference of the character between the test server and Pharos. Could you provide the percentage increase?

Level 273
8th May 2024 13:28:08

Well tbh there isn't much to test when the majority are just minor number changes, this wont solve any of the problem of rangers being terrible unless they have good skills, shamans being a macro bot for team hunting and just a worse warlock/pyro in solo play.
With the changes the meta will be exactly the same, warlock if you want damage, barbarian if you want melee damage and paladin for early level blocking.

The problem of AOE classes dominating mostly single target classes is still a huge issue, for example you have a barbarian or a warlock being able to just spam boosts while rangers struggle to cover their costs at a fraction of their exp/h.

I've gave a lot of feedback before and it's still the same so no need to add it again here.

Level 925
8th May 2024 13:31:15 (Last edited 8th May 2024 13:31:24)

CM MercuryYou guys can test improving the ranger's bow or increasing its base damage?
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